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Poop Burger Options
#1 Posted : 6/18/2011 4:46:26 AM


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It's being called the "poop burger". Japanese scientists have found a way to create artificial meat from sewage containing human feces.

Somehow this feels like a Vonnegut plotline: population boom equals food shortage. Solution? Synthesize food from human waste matter. Absurd yes, but Japanese scientists have actually discovered a way to create edible steaks from human feces.

Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama Laboratory, has developed steaks based on proteins from human excrement. Tokyo Sewage approached the scientist because of an overabundance of sewage mud. They asked him to explore the possible uses of the sewage and Ikeda found that the mud contained a great deal of protein because of all the bacteria.

The researchers then extracted those proteins, combined them with a reaction enhancer and put it in an exploder which created the artificial steak. The “meat” is 63% proteins, 25% carbohydrates, 3% lipids and 9% minerals. The researchers color the poop meat red with food coloring and enhance the flavor with soy protein. Initial tests have people saying it even tastes like beef.

Inhabitat notes that “the meatpacking industry causes 18 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions, mostly due to the release of methane from animals.” Livestock also consume huge amounts of resources and space in efforts to feed ourselves as well as the controversy over cruelty to animals. Ikeda’s recycled poop burger would reduce waste and emissions, not to mention obliterating Dante’s circle for gluttons.

The scientists hope to price it the same as actual meat, but at the moment the excrement steaks are ten to twenty times the price they should be thanks to the cost of research. Professor Ikeda understands the psychological barriers that need to be surmounted knowing that your food is made from human feces. They hope that once the research is complete, people will be able to overlook that ugly detail in favor of perks like environmental responsibility, cost and the fact that the meat will have fewer calories.

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#2 Posted : 6/18/2011 5:47:30 AM

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That mostly makes me wants to go vegetarian, possibly forever... so I suppose the "environmental consciousness" objective of its creator has been satisfied.



#3 Posted : 6/18/2011 6:31:30 AM

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This is one of the most amazing, and disgusting things I have ever heard. I mean, potentially, this could solve world hunger forever. Not only could this solve world hunger for poor countries, but it could also solve future problems if crops fail, or land gets destroyed or whatever. Holy shit. It's the ultimate recycling job. Reuse your own shit as food. WoW! And if it can be done for humans, I don't see why it couldn't be done for other animal shit. On the other hand.... WTF!?!! Did I seriously just read that? This is really happening? Very very gross.
#4 Posted : 6/18/2011 6:53:21 AM

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Wow, looks like the movies had it wrong... soylent green isn't made out of people, it's made out of their feces. Silly Charlton Heston Laughing
#5 Posted : 6/18/2011 10:04:53 AM

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The question is "why are they researching this shit, when they could be researching something better???"
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#6 Posted : 6/18/2011 1:08:08 PM


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In 5 years all McDonald's burgers will be like this (if they're not already).

Hey, what about all that precious urine and vomit just being flushed down the toilet? That could be turned into protein slurry (and menstrual blood? Mm-mmm). Good bye world thirst!
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#7 Posted : 6/18/2011 6:21:24 PM

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tetra wrote:
In 5 years all McDonald's burgers will be like this (if they're not already).

Hey, what about all that precious urine and vomit just being flushed down the toilet? That could be turned into protein slurry (and menstrual blood? Mm-mmm). Good bye world thirst!

Macdonalds burgers are already made out of cow feces so it might be closer away than you think Pleased
#8 Posted : 6/18/2011 7:45:34 PM

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Brings new meaning to " this food tastes like shit "
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#9 Posted : 6/18/2011 7:59:08 PM
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Apoc wrote:
This is one of the most amazing, and disgusting things I have ever heard. I mean, potentially, this could solve world hunger forever.

True, before i read this i was hungry and i'm now i'm not!!
#10 Posted : 6/18/2011 8:41:20 PM

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Vegetarianism sounds like a much easier way to solve world hunger problems.
Long live the unwoke.
#11 Posted : 6/18/2011 9:15:42 PM


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Nobody here is down to eat some of this???
#12 Posted : 6/18/2011 9:26:57 PM
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۩ wrote:
Nobody here is down to eat some of this???

The japanese may find it hard to believe, but eating poopburgers would be one cultural barrier to far for many people outside of japan.
#13 Posted : 6/19/2011 3:51:41 AM

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tetra wrote:
Hey, what about all that precious urine and vomit just being flushed down the toilet? That could be turned into protein slurry (and menstrual blood? Mm-mmm). Good bye world thirst!

I KNOW!!! Although reusing the water in piss would also be a great innovation, it's perhaps not as great as using the protein in shit idea. The reason is because the water in piss has to already exist, whereas the protein in the shit is partially created by biological processes. But a man can dream can't he? A man can dream..

However, the sad part of all this, other than it's really nasty, is that we're only talking about this problem because population and waste has surged to a point we're starting to drown in our own shit, and we have to consider eating it in order to survive. As time goes on, more and more extreme methods of innovation for survival will be necessary.... because it doesn't seem like people are willing to learn to live sustainably.
#14 Posted : 6/19/2011 8:28:54 AM

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I want one. Atoms are atoms. The atoms is your vegetarian food were likely poop atoms at some point too.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
#15 Posted : 6/19/2011 8:55:37 AM

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alzabo wrote:
I want one. Atoms are atoms. The atoms is your vegetarian food were likely poop atoms at some point too.

I like this response... Although I may not be all for this.
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#16 Posted : 6/19/2011 11:11:10 AM

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I can hear Jimmy Buffett now... "Poop Burger in Paradise, Heaven on earth with an onion slice. Not too particular, not too precise.
I'm just a Poop Burger in Paradise."
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#17 Posted : 6/19/2011 12:01:31 PM

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Entropymancer wrote:
Wow, looks like the movies had it wrong... soylent green isn't made out of people, it's made out of their feces. Silly Charlton Heston Laughing

No worries, Soylent Green will come in time. They just start out with Soylent Brown.
Everything I write as Tordyveln is made up. I lie all the time.

"Thanks so far for being patient, no doubt you obviously share our contempt for the 1984 Gestapo Mordor Matrix agents style gits that are fucking up our world." - Pissed off mimosa seller
#18 Posted : 6/19/2011 2:42:52 PM

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ouro wrote:
tetra wrote:
In 5 years all McDonald's burgers will be like this (if they're not already).

Hey, what about all that precious urine and vomit just being flushed down the toilet? That could be turned into protein slurry (and menstrual blood? Mm-mmm). Good bye world thirst!

Macdonalds burgers are already made out of cow feces so it might be closer away than you think Pleased

Mmmmm.... So now when you order the #2 value meal you'll actually get the real deal!
#19 Posted : 6/19/2011 7:10:39 PM

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Steely wrote:
alzabo wrote:
I want one. Atoms are atoms. The atoms is your vegetarian food were likely poop atoms at some point too.

I like this response... Although I may not be all for this.

Yeah, the name does kinda make the skin crawl. Like, I would hate to eat actual poop.
I'd be way more into calling them zesty sewage patties.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
#20 Posted : 6/20/2011 3:39:55 PM

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The "Yes Men" unintentionally lampooned this ~9 years before it came out...who wants to play signs of the apocalypse?

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