I'm sure many of you will know exactly what I mean when I describe the feeling of being drawn towards, called by the spice. It's very hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced this, but I think I'm in good company here, so I'll give it a shot.
So, I have a friend who is braver than I, who does these experiments and reports back to me. He has problems with his hands you see, and so asks me to type up his experiences here... So, Swims history? He has been an avid explorer of consciousness / self for a very long time, both for recreational and spiritual reasons, mainly recreational. Nearly all the usual psychs and dissociatives have been explored fully at varying levels and dosages and combinations, some to the point of boredom, some to the point of frustration because he would keep chasing that moment of illumination. he went through a rough patch of several years where he would take a lot of ecstacy very regularly during my late teens and early twenties, and while it provided temporary insight and emotional relief, it always left him in a hole deeper than the one he was previously in. No doubt it has therapeutic effects, just not the way he was using it. This resulted in him taking a break from all chemical substances, besides the occasional beer or glass of wine, and of course his trusted ally in any situation, MJ.
Recently he decided to get back into psychedelics as they have provided the greatest insight, and feeling of re-connection to the divine. He has felt the presence of higher beings on various substances, namely 2CB, 2CI, and LSD (at this point I would like to post a link to
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=20781) - but has always been left with a longing to go a bit further into myself and my spiritual being. Only recently has he realised that this is what is missing - his connection to his spiritual, true self. He is not the kind of person who believes dogmatically in what ever was presented to him at a young age, regardless of an education that tried to push Christianity down his throat at every available opportunity. Indeed this may have been a trigger for a degree of spiritual alienation.
A few months back he got this niggling feeling that he was missing something, almost like something was trying to communicate with him. He had heard about DMT a few years back, and was fascinated by its use in Shamanic cultures - thanks in part to Bruce Parry, who he finds to be a very inspiring character. He loves how he immerses himself in the day to day life and rituals that they undertake. He started doing a lot of reading, and I mean A LOT, everything he could get his hands on. He has been reading these boards for some time now, and they have have been a great help, so to all who have written Teks, given advice, or posted anything remotely interesting on this topic - THANK YOU! He has learned so much recently. More so even than his years of use (and abuse) of other substances.
He ended up asking a few people who may know where he could get some of this incredible substance. Nope, seems like it is one of those 'impossible to acquire' substances (I'm glad now that Swim has tried it that for the most part it is, extracting your own is certainly the way forwards, according to him). Then one day he got a call from a friend: "Have you ever heard of Changa?" yes, he was reading about it just the other day as a matter of fact. He knew this was my chance to see for himself why so many people are in awe of this incredible substance(He is reluctant to call it a drug, Spice is a great name, it really is the spice of life). So he bought some. Yes, I know that most Nexians don't approve of the buying / selling of spice, but he wasn't prepared at that stage to do an extraction without knowing exactly what he was getting into. His first experience was quite underwhelming, although very pleasant, he got to what I now refer to as the 'red phase' - where he sees cloudy red imagery swirling behind closed eyes. That level is quite comforting and reassuring apparently, but not deep, impossibly beautiful and truly spiritual.
So the next time, later on that day in true Purges style, he pushed the boat out, doubling his dose. Wow

. The whole room surged with electrical energy and he was visited by a being with quite a young looking, angelic face. A hand beckoned to him, a BIG hand. He took this as DMTs way of greeting him, sort of "welcome aboard!" he came back the most euphoric he has ever been, yet completely clear headed. No come down, no negative ANYTHING, Changa is nice to smoke, the high was out of this world, and the feeling of oneness upon return is absolutely unparalleled. He revisited hyperspace several times since, each time, embraced by a strong feeling that some one / thing was there. It is a very powerful, yet benevolent being, and he always feels reassured by its presence - could this be the caapi in the mix, or the 5-Meo-DMT?
Since then, he has had his brain caressed by the massive 'hand' - He can't even begin to describe how incredible that experience was, a full on spiritual awakening, a reassurance that there was a God (something he has always been sceptical about) - the euphoria lasted for days. After his first couple of experiences he knew he had found what he had been looking for all these years. There is nothing like it. He feels much more 'in tune' and happier in himself than he has been for years. Awesome stuff - this is medicine, and should be treated with the UTMOST respect, there are substances for getting trashed and having fun with your friends, and there is a substance for fine tuning and healing your psyche - DMT, it does it in the most incredible way as well. Never has dying and being reconstructed felt so good / right! Come to think of it, nothing else has ever made him think "I'm dead!" - even if it had, he wouldn't have been as at ease with it as that time. He was dead, but totally fine with it. He says if he ends up in that place when he dies, that's fine by him! He no longer fears death, and feel that it is just another stage in our great journey.
He has also initiated a couple of my closest friends, one who greatly enjoys it, but does not particularly subscribe to the spiritual side of the molecule (yet?), the other who had a deep, profound spiritual experience first time round, and is now eager to continue her exploration. Unfortunately his GF is a little hesitant to get involved, but has had one experience with about 15 mgs, which she said was 'nice' - she described exactly what he called earlier 'red phase'. He will not force her, she must come to the conclusion she wants to go further with it. When she does, everything is there for her, including all the support and love she needs.
This has all led him to purchase some MHRB and delve deeper. A new chapter of life has started now, thanks in no small part to DMT and you lovely Nexians! THANK YOU once again, Swim feels a connection with you all through experience, although no doubt we live on opposite ends of this beautiful planet. No doubt you will see more of me in the future, I will report back after Swims interesting / poignant journeys, and will share his experiences of hyperspace.
Peace, Love and Unity,
Purges x
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3