moyshekapoyre wrote:I agree with everyone here who has said that we are god/the universe/the infinite field of consciousness. Somehow, everything in the universe is entangled in such a way that, when we tap in, we can experience BEING everything, from all time. I have remembered giving birth to the universe more times than I would have liked to... I think I am shown this during every aya trip because I continue to reject the possibility that we are god.
Yes, this is a pivotal point in the experience of Self Realization. Sacred Medicines allow for a temporary immersion into the
Light of Divine Being. This light-consciousness is accessible through ego death, and so, our rebirth into undifferentiated being, becomes our pathway towards our own true state of consciousness. That is, when we still the furtive mental waves of the ego drama, long enough to glimpse beyond the revolving door of sensory perceptions.
When we loose ourselves in the merging, we find ourselves on another level, entirely... awakened in the eternal moment. We discard the smaller ego-self and embrace the broader and more universal being of Self-God. They are one, as are all variations of life... BUT... only from the vantage point of the Omniself, can we see this reality directly. All else is merely the exercise of philosophy, contemplation, conjecture and the mental gymnastics that accompany all deep thought processes.
Since we are made-up of the Cosmic Spirit, we are not different from this living presence. We cannot be lost within this great current, for where could we possibly go? Everything is HERE and we find that in attunement to the Godhead gifts us with eternal life. Not somewhere in Heaven or some day in the future, right here & now. To quote Alan Watts,
"This is it." :idea:
BTW, Alan wrote a wonderful book with this title and I recommend it wholeheartedly. I lost my only copy in 1979, on a subway train in Boston. I was re-reading the book for the third time, while simultaneously approaching an intense peak within an LSD experience. Now, as I read the words, all of the symbols lost any meaning, becoming unintelligible abstraction... and I was confronted with the insubstantial expanse of the void. I might have been thrown into a state of panic but I looked deeper into this emptiness and saw that it was alive with intelligence and creativity. I closed my eyes for 20 minutes and when I opened them... the paperback book was gone and I had been transported into the realm of
no mind.
I had been undone by the psychedelic force and shattered. Suddenly, the Self which saw through my eyes, was interconnected to all being, all minds. My heart morphed into the very same universal drum, beating within the hearts of all sentient life forms. I didn't need to read any scriptures or contemplate about the nature of awareness, for I was alive and free! To this very day, I'd like to think that the book went where it was most needed and that perhaps the sage wisdom within it's pages, was well received by the thief. Who knows, right?
RayOfLight wrote:You can ask for answers about god and then get them from psychedelics, skeptics say always be critical of your experiences and the answers you get. Myself personally I am a believer, I believe in the psychedelic experiences I've had and the messages I've gotten about what god is.
This makes me feel good and fulfilled and my life is all the better for it. doubters can doubt all they want if that makes them happy.
Exactly, we are each given the freedom of choice, despite the theoretical nature of such a claim. Another lengthy thread on the Nexus is dealing with the technicality of this assertion but this is thankfully, not another thread (hehehe). And so too, we each define our existence by whichever dream we dream of as
reality. If what the sages proclaim is truth, however relative any truth can be, it implies that all energy is, at it's core essence, intelligent Spirit. We just see this process from a multitude of vantages points, despite sharing our being in the Oneness. :idea:
I believe that the intersections of these many avenues of mind-set, are what makes our species unique. As
benzyme clearly expresses, our beliefs should make us happy... or at least inspire us to learn more and more about the nature of our dream and how we fit into this paradigm. No single perception can be the ultimate perception, nor can the ego-self know the nature of the God-Self. There must be the symbiosis, the immersion. Without this state of being, call it Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Divine Rapture or Satori... it's more illusion, overlaid upon a foundation of illusory self-identification. One must go beyond the limitations of the relative, to perceive a glimpse into the absolute.
All the myriad roads of ideology in which we travel, are extensions of the way and eventually we realize that
the journey itself, is the destination, before even taking one step in any direction. Simply put, heaven is where the heart is and
GOD is the witness seeing from behind the eyes of all sentient existence. I would speculate that this is because the immaterial creator of all being is just as curious as we are?
Who am I?
PrimalWisdom wrote:I may have just been interacting with my own soul. But at the time it was pretty evident that it was not me, in the sense that we are all connected to this "higher power" The single thread that sewed the tapestry of our reality had showed itself to me. It was like I was taking part in an ancient ritual. And ancient and forgotten way of communing with God. A way to reconnect with our mysterious past.
At one point I became aware that I am a God, WE ARE ALL GODS. Or we are all the same God perceiving itself from different viewpoints.
You raise a fine point here, Brother. How do we make the differentiation between the infinite consciousness of the Divine and that of our own soul? I suggest that the human soul is a lens or even a doorway, by which we perceive the indivisibility of the infinite level of the Godhead. As you have clearly accessed this state of mind, it becomes self evident that as we are composed of the "cosmic stuff", we are THAT. We are all aspects and expressions of God. This is perhaps part of our mutual awakening? It makes my heart smile, to know so many other Nexian souls are attuned to this spiritual presence.
We have great need to redefine our perspective about the nature of the Divine. In this mirage of the 21st century, which only exists within the time-space continuum, we are drawn to recreate ourselves and so too, our Deity. this is where psychedelics can play a pivotal role. I say "can" because it ain't necessarily so. Nor should it be so, as we are each unique and given the right to dream any dream we choose, whether it is a dream predicated on reason or intuition. I favor the balance of the two polarities and believe very strongly, that we are on the fringes of a new, collective understanding about what it really happening behind the appearances of the universal dance.
This is perhaps why so many of us are experiencing the boundaries between our own awareness and the awareness of the Divine, as a unified in a seamless synthesis of superconsciousness. At it's very core, all of this existential phenomenon is unified in the Omniself. Despite predilections and preferences in ideologies, we are all in the same boat, so to speak. we voyage through this paradigm and see the journey form our own reference point. I am always questioning my own perceptions and keeping myself trained to NOT let my mental fixation for absolutes and irrefutable laws of existentialism affect my judgement.
To enshrine the Divine can be a trap of our own minds, if when we do so, we maintain a devout distance and use this idea as a philosophy by which we navigate from point A to point B. for all points are connected to the unified filed of
The Godhead, so even within this realization, human mind seeks to propagate divisions. These subtle divisions become cavernous gulfs if we are not careful to practice mindfulness in each passing moment. In other words, we need to be vigilant about our awareness and NOT allow the ego-self to fraudulently parade about like some high priest of an entheogenic church. This is utter madness. In the end... the void devours all conceptualizations and illusory preconceptions.
The only permanence is impermanence and the only constant is change. We let all form and parameter go, as we pierce through the membrane of that
I am self, only to awaken as
I am Self. Assuredly, this is an ironic semantical difference, certainly, but a profound truth is hidden in this existential riddle. Within each mystery, there is a key towards understanding and within each new phase of this understanding, further mysteries to perceive. I would speculate that we can never know the infinite but... we can have our Scared Immersions and taste the nectar of Immortality. This is our birth right and our quintessential foundation is purest being. Such is the paradoxical flight of the psychonaut, eh?
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.