Well this is really not my cup of tea (introduction).
I am a young tinsmith/musician that started to get interested of psychedelics at age 13, or most of the drugs i could read about but mainly psychedelics. There where something attractive about them and when I was 16 or 17 years old I got my first real mushroom-trip and I loved it. At that age and around 3 years into the future I was "stuck", Was tripping maybe 3times/month, some weeks more, some weeks less. DXM was my favorite for about 6 month with a trip 1-2 times a week, not good for school.
Now have I´d slowed down very much, maybe 1,5 years since my last trip. Still have one left but never got the time.
Before the psychedelics there where cannabis and that have been my main drug all these year.
At the time I dont take anything (exept nicotine) on a regular basis but trying to quit that bad habit now.
Anyway enough with that.
I found this forum when I was googling around on DMT which I still havent tried. And found this forum very interesting to follow and have now been here around 1 month so I felt that I needed to become one of you, this forum really sticks out from the mass. Been member on some other forums but there seems that everyone of them always have a bunch of children on it playing around and that bugs me. Here it seems very mature in that aspect. And many of you seems to share many of my ideas which I dont experience often.
Well time for me to go to bed, last day on work tomorrow then 2 weeks off
Sorry for my english, not my main language..
Good Night