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Meaningless Words That I'd Love To Share. Options
#1 Posted : 6/16/2011 9:25:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi, my name is Distracted. Im currently on an incredibly enlightening trip of 2c-e (not that high of a dose i might add, 5-10mg nasally), and feel that I should paste this "trip report" (which was more just me talking to a buddy of mine on a different forum, and then writing down thoughts) for you all to read. I refrains from using the words "my own thoughts" because truly there are not, it is the godhead. I believe that this will tell u more about who I am and where I am going in relation to psychedelics and life in general then any other assortment of visual stimuli on a computer screen I can give you. The bold text is the trip report of sorts.

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so this was my conversation with ben from just a minute ago. it says it all. my life is forever changed simply for the sake of change because inhereintly, there is no right or wrong way to be.

(This turned out to be way more then the convo and really just following my thoughts at the end. what ur looking at right now is a work in progress lol updating it as I go.)

[2:25] distracted: so i just gained profound insight into the way 2c-e works.

[2:25] distracted: u wanna hear it? its gonna be long winded

[2:26] ben: im back i went to smoke a cig too lol

[2:27] ben: and yeah let me hear it

[2:27] distracted: aite so im gonna explain this as best i can

[2:27] distracted: basically start with meditation

[2:27] distracted: the kundalini energies which u can use and wield in your body.

[2:27] distracted: its the universal conciousness.

[2:27] distracted: ive known this for a while

[2:28] distracted: its god, its the lifeblood of the planet

[2:28] distracted: its everything and nothing

[2:28] distracted: basically, when u are highly in tune with this even when ur sober

[2:28] distracted: u can have thoughts pop up in the back of ur mind, that are most definetly yours

[2:28] distracted: but profound

[2:29] distracted: almost like there being pulled right from the root chakra

[2:29] distracted: thats essentially "god" speaking to u the tricky part is, its u and god because ur one in

[2:29] distracted: the same

[2:29] distracted: but what 2c-e does

[2:29] distracted: is tabs u directly into it.

[2:29] distracted: taps*

[2:29] distracted: complete an uttergodhead

[2:30] distracted: basically it puts me in a deep meditative state where ur consantly in connection with god

[2:30] distracted: and ur human ego is no longer in the way.

[2:30] distracted: im gonna stop using psychedelics recreationally all together now.

[2:31] distracted: my outlook has been so childish

[2:31] distracted: when really, there a direct link, not to be toyed with.

[2:32] distracted: didnt figure this shit out before because i was high as well on the buds every time

[2:32] distracted: foolish

added a few minutes later:

[2:34] ben: yeah man i kinda had that revelation last week or so

[2:34] ben: something along those lines

[2:35] ben: its werid that everyone is getting these same vibes

[2:36] distracted: it makes me wonder what the point of using them is after realizing god is there with and

[2:36] distracted: in everything

[2:36] distracted: really after that all u can do is thrill seek and try and reach new and trippier states

and now i just want to sober up even though I feel amazing. i feel as if im in territory that humans don't really belong. we feel entitled to psychedelic drugs because there spiritual shortcuts and bring amazing results. well the truth is u don't get something for nothing, and the only part we control is the effort we put in and not the results. taking a psychedelic drug is like skipping the effort, and there can and will be repercussions for using them excessively.

^ my opinion on whether u can use psychs resbonisibly for growth after this realization may have changed in the last few minutes. i'm may keep updating this and countering my logic over and over, hopefully it won't be to obnoxious to read im just working through shit.

Okay so, one of the reasons 2c-e has such a wide range of different responses to it is because it is not euphoric in the slightest. Those who have a strong link to kundalini will be at peace, those who aren't will be more focused on the neutral part, aka the fact its not giving you euphoric feelings, and begin to interpert them as negative, just because they dont feel euphoric. Aka the mind of any drug user trying to achieve the high.

I'm not trying to put myself on a high pedastol but this is most certainly what I believe. It's not that im special in anyway that this drug has been so profound for me, its because in a lot of ways ive lived a more spiritual path then most people in contemperary society.

People say changes in brain chemistry will shift the way drugs affect you, well my counter would be kundalini works on balancing all different parts of ur being, right down to whats going on in your brain chem.

The thing is, kundalini has to be experienced on its own, and no one can force u into it.

It's a long gradual process to a full kundalini awakening, and many tryptamines and phens give me one immediatly, and a full kundalini awakening = god head. Back to the idea of spiritual shortcuts agan, eh?

It greatly saddens me that people may suffer a long time before realizing this, like i did.

My first experience on dxm showed me that there was something more, so i binged the fuck out of it.

Lead to destroying what little bit of a personality there was at the time, hiding beneath my benzo and ope addiction.

I was incredibly deperzonalized and depressed for the longest time. And getting high only brought the symptoms out worse, so it was basically starting from scratch and experiencing the world all over again, even experiences i knew i had all felt.... like the first time again.
I rebuilt myself from scratch to get here.
I wish I could just plug this knowledge into those who might make the same mistake. But unfortunatly, without the pain and sacrifice I would never have reached this point, and no one else will either. Beauty is nothing without something there to counteract it, Suffering is afterall, one of the three core teachings of Buddha Smile

Psychedelic drugs can be used to explore beyond what we are as humans. It puts us in a completely different state. In a way they are gifts from god, even the chemicals we made, our human hands (in this case shulgin whose hands were guided quite often by this godheadedness, aka he used psychedelics alot, something to think about) are also a large part of god. For we are all one. This was brought on by the thought "I want to cry because of the impact, but i cannot. For I am in a state that is no longer human."
But this gives no excuse to abuse them, in fact quite the opposite.
Im going to confront my parents and tell them about my psychedelic usage, and what I have been doing for the last week. They know ive been down this road before, but I feel that this is my opportunity to show them that it is more then just a mind fuck.

IT IS UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL to discover this on their own.

Please if you took the time to read this, try and put into words why u feel that DMT continues to be of service to you even after the utter encounter of the universal consciousness. I know that it is not to gain insight into being human, because the only way to learn that is through observation while sober, except of course the realization of the universal conscious, which to me is all I need to explain existence. I know and love it. It is real.

So was it just the drug addict in me, seeking new and thrilling heights that for some reason made me pick this board which I haven't been logged into in months to share this experience, or am I truly hearing the call of DMT. I know that such things, like your experiences, realizations, and reason for using DMT can't truly be put into words, but sometimes I need to step back and ask my brothers and sisters for advice, because there is god in all of them to.

So my question now is, do I plunge deeper (not immediately once my hp pd has healed entirely) or do I remain at this wholey human level where everything happens because it is, and not for any other reason.

I feel a thirst for more knowledge, and any help would be spectacular.
By the way, i'm 19 years old, laid back dude who works at wal-mart, might be goin back to college next year, who knows, and i'm male if the dude part didn't tip u off lol.
^ my human ego speaking Smile good to know hes still there as I come down. Everything about this trip feels so just, meant to be. Im sobering up and evening out perfectly in time once I got this all out.

Much love everyone, and I look forward to hearing back from you, and I'm off to enjoy the tail end of what will be the last of my trips for a while. I'm done with these childish "lets get fucked up on psychedelics" thoughts, it may be hard to maintain but I have this report to keep me strong. If you do choose to respond, please take your time in writing these responses, as I have all the time in the world to make this decision Smile. Please forgive my mind wondering and random thoughts here n there for I am currently 2c-e mixed with myself, not myself alone.

(another interesting side note, dissociatives also can lead to this connection through completely alienating yourself from your ego, different flavors for different people i suppose, began noticing this when I stupidly mixed DXM and 2c-e several days back. Reckless decision to say the least, although I do not regret it now.)
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis

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#2 Posted : 6/16/2011 9:40:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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oh and ps after suppressing the urge for what felt like hours while i got this all out in type, went outside for a smoke (which i couldnt even finish because the negative physical effects were too prominent and im considering quitting tobacco now as well) and took the most RUGGED and amazing piss of my life haha.
Peace guys, much love for you all.
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis
#3 Posted : 6/16/2011 1:04:03 PM


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If that is your name I would advise against broadcasting it like that.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#4 Posted : 6/16/2011 1:22:47 PM


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ewok wrote:
If that is your name I would advise against broadcasting it like that.

#5 Posted : 6/16/2011 9:18:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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thanks its been changed.
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis
#6 Posted : 6/17/2011 12:01:34 AM


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Just best to be safe.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#7 Posted : 6/17/2011 7:51:54 AM

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That's a pretty interesting trip report there distracted, i found your insights lucid and similar to my own. Sounds like you have found your answers, and only now have to do what needs to be done to action them.

- on a lighter note, i would be careful about telling your parents, and giving your stash to your dad. whilst you seem to have become enlightened and finally at peace, he's probably at the point where he'd love to get mad at you for your past perhaps...and i think misjudging this understanding could perhaps be ruinous to your turning point??

- Also, like the rest have said- no names please....Wink
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#8 Posted : 6/17/2011 8:31:50 AM

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Thanks christian, glad you can relate.

I confronted him today. I knew it had to be done.
I know him well, and it went rather smoothly. I feel as though this experience, like you said, has finally brought me to peace Smile. My kundalini is constantly at a high frequency and I have much more lucidity in my thoughts. As such, I wanted to truly get the point across to my parents that this was real, and not just me being all high and trippy as they believed. Now that I've done this, I can be in a state of complete honesty with everything in my life, a truly liberating feeling. And while it would have been truly tragic if he didn't accept my honesty, it would not have ruined what I now know. What was once perceived, will never truly be unperceived.

n yeah the whole name thing was a very in the moment decision, felt as if I refused to hide anything about myself at the time. course that was just bein reckless hah
"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis
#9 Posted : 6/17/2011 2:44:40 PM

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Glad to see you're feeling positive, Distracted. Just guard that "illumination" with care though, as you'll find that there's lots of unhappy people out there in this world just waiting to try and drag you down to their unhappy levels. SO from now on, watch the company you keep...or slowly all the good work will be lost.... chris.
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
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