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#1 Posted : 6/14/2011 6:41:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 5
Joined: 14-Jun-2011
Last visit: 18-Jun-2011
Location: St. Louis, MO
I've never done this before for a forum so here it goes.

I was 100% straight edge up until this year. I grew up in a completely indoctrinated environment, upper middle class, with majority white friends (usually racist) until I went to a private international college. My freshman year was pretty lonely as the school was small, so I had a lot of time to myself. I read up on pretty much anything drug related out of curiosity (sparked by the firefox add-on stumbleupon) and soon realized that what I was force-fed in my Christian upbringing was all basically bullshit. I wanted to start smoking weed and do psychedelics, but I didn't have any connections and was lazy finding a connection.

The following year, being sophomore, my roommate was a really cool guy where he offered me to smoke weed with him. I was very enthusiastic about doing it since I did watch a ton of documentaries on smoking pot, and read quite a few articles online, so I figured why the hell not. The first few times I didn't get any effect but then that 3rd time it popped and I loved it. I kept thinking to myself "what the fuck is wrong with everyone? why isn't this legal?" and so on. A few days after that I decided to buy my own 1/8th, where I went to a newly met friend on campus, where he sold me a bag. He also had an 1/8 of shrooms and a 1/10 of DMT. I just recently watched the Spirit Molecule before then and I was all down for DMT, but at the time had no clue about shrooms. However, I bought all three anyway. Never have I bought drugs again without knowing what to expect or the characteristics of the drug beforehand (even though that shroom trip I had that day changed my life for the better).

To my disappointment, when my friends and I tried to smoke the DMT, we messed up. One of my friends said to sprinkle the DMT on top of some sage since we didn't have a vape. When I lit, I seared the DMT (unknowingly) and ruined the DMT (even though we didn't realize until we passed the bowl around lol). However, in those few seconds of me searing the DMT and inhaling, I got a little 2 second rush. Within those two seconds I felt an enormous body high, vastly more intense than my shroom trip a few weeks prior. It felt as if I just exploded then immediately came back into one piece. Word cannot explain. This 2 second hit, how little it was, is the biggest cliffhanger I could experience in my life to this date. I have been obsessed with trying to get my hands on some DMT ever since, and I have been researching like crazy, reading reports, etc. This monumental change in my life from straight edge to smoking pot, psychedelics, etc. all occurred within the last few months of my sophomore year (just over 2 months ago). Since my school ended and I moved back home, I've been unable to get my hands on anything, not even weed. There's no withdrawal or over-eagerness to smoke weed and dmt again, or any drug for that matter, but I sure as hell want to.

In the meantime I'll just be researching everything I can and looking into other possibilities for future trips that I look forward to exploring. This is completely spiritual on my part, unlike many people I've met who just want to see pretty colors. I believe there is much more to DMT and psychedelics than this, and could quite possibly hold the answer to life after death. Between the time I've smoked and made this change in my life there have been odd instances of where life after death discussion could possibly be explained with DMT. For one brief, brief example, the newly aired series on the Science Channel had an episode called 'Is there life after death', and after re-watching DMT the Spirit Molecule, on top of various other things I find related, I sincerely believe humanity is on the cusp of finding the answer to this age old question with this newly discovered molecule. To be a part of it, to experience it first hand, is enlightening to me to such a level no religion can ever achieve.

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
The Traveler
#2 Posted : 6/15/2011 6:09:10 PM

"No, seriously"

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deemsters wrote:
A few days after that I decided to buy my own 1/8th, where I went to a newly met friend on campus, where he sold me a bag. He also had an 1/8 of shrooms and a 1/10 of DMT. I just recently watched the Spirit Molecule before then and I was all down for DMT, but at the time had no clue about shrooms. However, I bought all three anyway. Never have I bought drugs again without knowing what to expect or the characteristics of the drug beforehand (even though that shroom trip I had that day changed my life for the better).

I am a bit wondering about what you exactly do not understand about "No discussion is allowed about selling drugs, buying drugs, procuring drugs, prices of drugs, trading drugs and trafficking of drugs"? It is stated when you sign up, it's stated on the Attitude page and it is stated before you make a post in this subforum.

If you want to be a part of this community we expect you to be able to actually read and act accordingly. Rolling eyes

Also, you name is something that makes people cringe since it's a street dealers name for something that many of us consider a sacred substance. And the list goes on, you will also receive a PM about this...

The Traveler
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