Hello all,
This looks like a great weekend in Vancouver.
http://spiritplantmedicine.com/ Spirit Plant Medicine Conference at UBC June 17th-19th, 2011
Gabor Mate, Dennis McKenna, Jeremy Narby, Kat Harrison and More!
Indigenous Leaders, ethnobotanists, Amazonian healers and medical researchers in the field of entheogenic healing from around the globe will meet to speak, hold forums, panels and share their wisdom @ UBC. The event looks at traditional psychoactive plant medicines, spirituality, shamanism and rites of passage- what their relevance is to our times and how they might be able to help our communities. Coming to understand and connect to earth Intelligence, and the possibilities for healing, planetary transformation and self realization they provide is a central focus. Some of the topics will be how medicines relate to healing, drug policy, globalization, cross-cultural considerations, and what sacred use of the plant teachers look like. The Spirit of the SPMC is to have a collective sacred experience together that is profound and lends awareness of the truths and possibilities of relating to plant-life as a whole, empowering the individual in cultivating those relationships on their own terms in the future.
222 + HST