Hello everyone. I happened across this site whilst quenching my thirst for knowledge and liked the general tone of the posts I read, so I decided to register. I can tell from what I have read so far that some knowledgeable people post here and it makes me feel that I can comfortably ask questions and receive considered answers from experienced, intelligent, educated individuals. Let me just say of course; "educated" does not necessarily mean academically.
As you might expect, I have a few experiences of my own in relation to some of the topics discussed on these boards. In all probability I'm likely older than most members but probably not the oldest - but who knows

I hope to be able to contribute to the fora but it will most likely only be asking questions rather than answering them. Having said that,

I expect most of the questions I have at the moment will have been asked on the site already and I expect to be reading the boards quite a bit before posting too much.
Anyhow, must go browse...
See you all out there somewhere.