Man swims in the same boat with my bridgesii. Tea, encapsulated powder, mush, they all have unpleasant body affects on swim. Mainly less nausea, i've trained myself to deal with that pretty extensively using aya, and only purge when physically necessary. but my bowels become extremely cramped up, cant urinate even tho i need too, back & abdomenal pains. Kinda scary stuff, but i've noticed that conditioning and preparing myself for the unpleasantness mentally and dietary can help alot. In addition the method of prep can affect the experience greatly.
After messing around with extractions and getting frustrated with wasting actives, swim just settled in to a 5x near boiling ascorbic acid (vit c) acidifed pulls. No boiling ever, just pour almost boiling acid water into a tall narrow glass bottle. Shake it up real good, and it will form a goop.
Swim next lets the bottle sit and decant, it doesn't have to be perfect because swim will decant again and cotton filter. Just keep the majority of the goop in your 1st bottle, pouring off the liquid into another to decant again. Keep adding more hot acid water, shake decant, until the water coming off will be slightly milky instead of deep yellowish green. swim usually does this over about 2 days, to ensure proper soak time since he does not boil.
By this time swim is already reducing his tea, simmering just below the point where boiling begins. Once you have reduced this to about 2-4 c depending on strength, some goopy stuff will precipitate out of the tea. Remove from heat and find a way to pressure or vac.
filter the tea, always washing the filter with fresh acid water to free up any stuck alkaloids. I use an old 100ml syringe that i stuff a cotton ball on the bottom and use my breath to push the liq through. takes 10s per 100ml and is super easy. Other methods are available to ghetto vac/pressure filter if you do some goggling. pretty simple stuff.
Once you filter as many times as necessary (swim only needed to do it once), you will have the legendary golden piss tea. Looks and smells just like the real thing.
Finally swim reduces to approx two shots worth of liquid, and since there's no goop, its a nice horrendous tasting liquid, no syrup.
What swim likes to do now is add a few mls of a 500g 100ml black caapi tincture to kick it up a notch. A low dose of caapi, (~15-25g) will potentate your cactus greatly in swims opinion. This lets swim use as little as 9g of his home dried bridgesii. I call it Mescalahusca, but am prob not the first. Note this will also extend the journey a bit. just a few eye droppers of the caapi is added and makes the tea taste better in swims opinion.
Swim's first expirence with Achuma was 6" made into a tea that was decanted and filtered pretty shittily, but with 2.5ml of my caapi tincture, and only keeping it down 1hr, swim tripped all day and part of the night. He had some discomfort, but was not sensitive to it as now, so the nausea was apparent but after purging felt a good deal better.
for reference 9g of swims bridgesii powder is only 4" from some 12" cuttings. Either its potent shit, or the caapi potentates the fuck out of that shit. Swims happy thought getting 60g dry from 26" of cactus.
This is by no means as nausea/body-load free as the extracted/synthed stuff, but is very healing, deep, and economical in swims opinion. Just like making a 25g cold juerma tea v. 5g with some caapi. By not extracting you may keep more "other alkaloids" that can potentate the dose. All theoretical though, swim likes this method bec. its easy and works, but would love to be able to do a good cactus extraction and get some yummy crystals of course at a good yeild though.
This is how swim will be preping his cactus from now on, seems real easy, simple, cheap, and works very well for this particular swim.
BTW- as for diet, i find plenty of fresh fruit veggies and easy to digest foods along with excess water and vitamins will greatly reduce digestive discomfort. If you still have issues, you might want to look in to ginger or lemon essential oil to actually chemically help prevent nausea.
ginger is pretty scientifically proven as an anti-nausea agent, lemon oil is pretty new to swim. Supposedly it works by complexing with the serotonin receptors in the stomach to stop the amines you ingested (mescaline, etc) from making you nauseated. Don't take swims opinion on this though, never tried or done any research into, just anecdotal nexus references. Google will find info bout if for sure if you really look.
Safe journeys-
"let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK
In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy.
In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers...
The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry