It's been a long time since I've been a part of an online community, but you guys really look like you got it goin on. So, time to stop lurking and introduce myself!
I am 23 years old, male, from the east coast U.S. I was raised in the Christian faith and for some time I followed that path in search of enlightenment. When I was 17 I discovered that much of the fulfillment I was searching for could be found in meditation alone. It was more than I had, but still not what I needed. That was a rough discovery, and the more I found the more I questioned the beliefs I had been raised on. (No disrespect to anyone here on that path.) Without meaning to I had awakened an insatiable hunger in myself for truth. I went everywhere with it. Trying different faiths, meditation, astral projection, I think I even went a little nuts.. It was an obsession.
The goose chase seemed never ending, answers only lead to more questions, I could never find the magical answer I wanted. Now 21, I started a relationship with Cannabis, and had a brief meeting with Mother Aya. (Although, I think I prepared the brew wrong.) Things got better, I calmed down and got my head on straight, but I still felt empty and lost inside. I didn't know what I wanted, where I was going or who I wanted to be.
Then... There was Psilocybin. <3
53 grams of fresh cubes. It shattered my world and knocked some much needed sense into me. I realized the beauty of the world, and how many wonderful people I had around me. I realized I was angry about conflicts that existed only in my head. I stopped fighting, and the battle disappeared. The experience was so beautiful that it reshaped my whole world.
Since then I have lived by a few basic guidelines:
1. Live in the moment. Focus on RIGHT NOW, and be happy to be here.
2. Surround myself with people that I love, and take good care of them.
3. Be creative, find a way to share the beauty that I experienced with anyone who wants it.
4. Love everyone
5. Be productive, keep working hard to end suffering.
(Edit: I suppose I should add that at the time the cubes were just something I did to prepare myself for a DMT experience, since hyperspace isn't for the unprepared. I feel now that I wasn't giving them anywhere near the respect they deserve, and never again will I think of any plant as 'just' a stepping stool experience. Hence the name of my topic, "accidental enlightenment." )
Where am I now? Life has never been better! So while I seek a higher education outside, I come here seeking the wisdom of plants and a better tour of the inside. I am quite interested in another Aya experience, but first I'm curious to see hyperspace.
I hope I didn't ramble too long, but there you have it, my basic intentions.
Wanna-be Shaman,