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Awash in the Salvinorin Seas - Part Two of a Two Part Series Options
#1 Posted : 6/10/2011 4:41:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Finally, here is the conclusion to my fantastical voyage. I hope you enjoy reading this series as much as I did writing it.

To understand the headspace I was in, I suggest you read the first part of the series.

Link to Part One.

I finished the movie I had been watching, and still being off-baseline from the Psilly-Spice, I decided that it was time to see what the Salvia Sentients were up to this grand evening. I often start my forays into the Salvinorin Seas with a couple tokes of plain leaf, to test the waters. To see if I get a benevolent feeling from the entities, or if it simply isn't the right time to pay them a visit. I loaded up roughly 200mg of plain leaf and took it in one large hit. Before I blew the toke out, I was experiencing the folding/blooming that is so familiar to me after years of working with this plant. On the back of my eyelids I saw a multicolored 2-D barn, like something out of a child's picture pop-up book. Candycane lanes lined with barbershop poles ran beside the flat, cardboard-like barn. The omnipresent entities were waving me in, welcoming me home. I smiled, and felt the euphoria return from my Psilly-Spice trip. As the effects tapered off, I thought to myself, “That felt stronger than normal. The 4-ACO must be synergizing with it to some degree.” I briefly considered caution, then caught myself. I have been attempting to push past my limits in many areas of my life as of late, and I felt that this was as good a time as any to push past that hesitation and see if I could make some meaningful contact with a being that resides in Salviaspace. Sit down and have some tea and crumpets, chat about the weather, rather than my usual wave and smile as I stand on a distant peak far away from their immediate view.

I weighed out 40mg of 25x, hurriedly packed it into my bowl, and ripped it in one fast toke. I barely had enough time to place my bong and lighter by my bedside when reality started to fold, and I began to bloom into Salviaspace like some strange alien flower. A steady and strong pull to my left, drawing me into the bizarre realm of the Salvinorin. A purple could? Some sort of mist. Very difficult to describe. Then more water imagery, flowing, cascading, whirling. The feeling of being pressed through a rubber balloon, the air inside it being like helium. Lighter than air. Stripes, red, white, and gold along the interior of this dome. Still floating, levitating, the feeling of weightless. Suspended in the fog of some other reality. A clicking, humming, buzzing sound. Louder and louder. Then a POP.

It's as if I've floated down onto a paved street. The street isn't like asphalt. It's like rubber, or a wrestling mat. Soft and spongy. Trees and fields and a small house line the street. I walk down it, then enter a house. I wander this strange multicolored dwelling. There is a fireplace, furniture, all the amenities. Things look familiar, but also alien. The ceiling pulsates like I am inside some living creature which is only pretending to be the shape of a house. I climb spiraling stairs and enter a door at the top. There is a small being, a little girl like figure. She waves, smiles, and laughs. She is playing with large marbles which look like planets. I forget how to speak. I stand there transfixed, unable to move or speak. The vision fades, and I feel more pulling and whirling.

I am in a purgatory of sorts. A white washed void where nothing seems to exist. There is no 'I', there is nothing but pure white nothingness. I can see my hands and my feet. They are made up of pure energy. This is something I have never experienced. I am never able to see my own form in the realms of Salvia. I marvel at the look of my hands, my fingers, my toes. They are coursing with energy, I am coursing with energy, yet there is no I. The space and I are the same. It is a waiting room for the soul. A strange and neutral existence. No emotion, no self, almost no thought at all. Just pure being.

An entity materializes in front of me. He is small, humanoid, dark purple/blue skin. White hair. Wearing some sort of cloak/robe. He reaches towards me and I feel a sharp electric twang. He looks confused. He says, without speaking, “You're not supposed to be here.” I am nothing but an observer at this point, I cannot speak or move or even realize what it is to speak or move. He continues, “You're not supposed to be here. How did you get here?” I think I manage something akin to a mental shrug. He touches me again and there is the same electric feeling, but less jarring. I feel like I am a battery cell being charged, or a tank being filled with fuel. It feels like I'm about to explode with energy. My hands are radiating energy, brighter than the white washed void. So bright. His expressions change from happy to sad to angry to pity to....an infinite array of emotions that I did not even know exist. His white hairs are like lightning rods, sparking and crackling. He pulls away and the feeling subsides just as I thought I could not take any more of it. Then he begins his (the best word I can come up with) interrogation.

(All references to 'I' are simply for a flowing dialogues sake. There was no 'I' in this place. Only 'We' which was everything)

“You may speak.”
“What? What is this? What is going on? What am I?”
“You are here. We need to know how you got here.”
“Where is here? I don't know what this is. I don't know what is happening.”
“Calm. Relax. We want to know how you got here.”
“I don't know.”
“You cannot be here. You are not ready.”
“Where am I?”
“With us.”
“But where?”
“You are with us.”
“I don't understand.”
“You can't understand. You are not ready.”
“I want to understand.”
“Not now. You are not ready.”
“I want to ask so many things.”
“We will answer.”
“Who are you?”
“We are you, you are us. We are part of everything here.”
“Where is here?”
“It is our existence.”
“I want to understand.”
“We need to know how you got to this place.”
“I don't know. I don't know where I am. I was pulled here.”
“You must not speak about this place.”
“You must not.”
“We do not want intrusions.”
“When will I be ready?”
“Perhaps never.”
“But I want to stay.”
“You must go. You must not speak of this place.”
*I could feel the pulling, the blooming starting to happen. I tried to fight against it desperately.
“You must go. You may come back when you are ready.”

I faded back into reality slowly. I laid there with strange thoughts flowing through my mind. My ego reintegrating, the memories of my life returning. Then the shock hit. I sat up, very disoriented, eyes wide open. Visuals still morphing and fluxing all over my room. The wall beside me looked purple and blue, like the Salvia being's skin. I touched it and it felt sharp and cold, unpleasant. I thought to myself, “I can't believe it. I finally saw them!” I tried to stand up and caught myself off balance. I fell to the ground, laughing. I got up and stumbled to the keyboard. My hands wouldn't work. The keys had letters on them that weren't English. I took several deep breaths and closed my eyes. The CEV's were still very apparent. I opened my eyes and saw the water bottle on the desk. I drank from it, trying to reintegrate as quickly as possible. I needed to write it down. I needed to record it. I needed to share it. It must be told. I must speak about it. I wrote the conversation in as much detail as I could while it was still vivid and fresh.

Going back over the dialogue now, weeks later, it seems like a dream. It seems almost surreal, almost not real. Did I really have that conversation? I can still remember what the purple man looked like. It was very real. He seemed real. I felt him touch me. I felt him fill me with energy. I cannot explain it. Where was that place I went to? They let me see them. And they told me I wasn't ready yet? What do I have to accomplish to be ready? So many questions, spiraling into obsession. My journal is a field of question marks. One page is a huge question mark in the midst of a field of question marks. I want answers, but they will not come. As they told me, perhaps never.

I will make it back to that place. I will speak of it. I will learn of it. I will become ready.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 6/10/2011 2:39:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I had to wait a month to read the conclusion! Thank you for posting this - fascinating and intriguing and WOW. I have never had even close to such an experience on salvia. (BTW there is a distracting spelling error (could for "clouds"Pleased).

Keep us posted if you ever get back there. I couldn't help think of Burning mouth's avatar when you introduced the little entity! Can you remember any other details of what he/she/it looked like?



JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
Rising Spirit
#3 Posted : 6/10/2011 4:17:13 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Very well written and clearly descriptive of your voyage. Bravissimo! I'm glad someone else has been to the Salvia Void and experienced a whiteout, accompanied by severe ego loss. While I consciously try to bypass any and all entities, given my adherence to Advaita, I admire how you interacted with your acquaintances on the other side. Like jbark, I've been waiting a loooooong time for the conclusion to your succinctly worded trip journal.

Yeah, now I'm inspired to go upstairs and take a monster hit of my 20x and gaze into the universe on the other side of the looking glass!!! I'm of to steer my vessel into the Salvinorin Seas. I'll see you folks in 20-30 minutes? Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Peace, love & light
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#4 Posted : 6/10/2011 5:24:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member

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Very nice description of your experience! I seem to remember you saying in another post that you had never encountered salvia entities before? (I might have mis-remembered that, so pardon me if that’s the case.) Do you think the 4-ACO had a strong influence on the experience? I’ve only tried salvia once soon after the end of a DMT experience, and it was much more vivid and much easier to remember.

I don’t think I’ve ever had such a direct dialog with an entity before. Was this something new for you? Also, I had to laugh at the evasiveness of the entity – he sure didn’t want to spill the beans. Smile

Every time I read a good salvia experience report, I realize how long it’s been since I last went there. I feel like I’m overdue for a visit.

@ Rising Spirit – I’m curious about something: I’ve noticed in several of your posts that you say you try to bypass entities. I’m not at all familiar with Hindu philosophy, but find your stance very interesting. Could you expand on it? (If not briefly in this thread, then it sounds like something worthy of a thread itself.)
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#5 Posted : 6/10/2011 6:05:42 PM

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jbark wrote:
I had to wait a month to read the conclusion! Thank you for posting this - fascinating and intriguing and WOW. I have never had even close to such an experience on salvia. (BTW there is a distracting spelling error (could for "clouds"Pleased).

Can you remember any other details of what he/she/it looked like?

Yes, stupid word processor has an auto complete feature that I keep neglecting to turn off Smile It should read cloud Smile

The entity was very....intriguing. His face was very similar to a humans face, but with some fundamental differences. The nose and ears were much smaller, as were the eyes. They were like two small black marbles. His mouth seemed to be exaggerated, much larger than it should be. And the muscles around his eyes as well. His face was a bit wider than what one would expect. The most vivid part of the experience was the deluge of emotion which cascaded over his face. Very expressive eyes and mouth. His hair was bristly looking, almost like a wire brush, standing on it's end. Something else I didn't go into in the report was his cloak/robe. It was a reddish color, and had stripes (which is a repetitive theme throughout my trips) of white and gold. Familiar, yet alien.

I feel like I'm betraying some secret by describing this experience in detail. But it's just too much for me to keep to myself. It must be told.
gibran2 wrote:
Very nice description of your experience! I seem to remember you saying in another post that you had never encountered salvia entities before? (I might have mis-remembered that, so pardon me if that’s the case.) Do you think the 4-ACO had a strong influence on the experience? I’ve only tried salvia once soon after the end of a DMT experience, and it was much more vivid and much easier to remember.

I don’t think I’ve ever had such a direct dialog with an entity before. Was this something new for you? Also, I had to laugh at the evasiveness of the entity – he sure didn’t want to spill the beans. Smile

I have communicated with them before, but never in such a direct, face to face encounter. I've seen these dark blue/purple beings with white hair prior to this experience, but it was fleeting and I couldn't see their faces. This experience was on an entirely different level. I do think that the 4-ACO had an influence on the experience, for sure. I wasn't at baseline when I smoked the Salvia, and the first 'test' of plain leaf was proof of that. It felt almost doubled in intensity. Also, what you say about Salvia after DMT is very much what I experienced. It was actually you relaying that information which piqued my interest into combining a substance like 4-ACO and Salvia. I had hoped that it would make the experience more vivid and easier to remember, which was obviously the case.

It was definitely something new for me. I think I've had contact similar to this in the past, but was never able to remember it and record it. Just some fleeting feelings which I could never really put my finger on. After this experience, some of those feelings now make sense. Like piecing together the picture once you know what the picture is.

His evasiveness was supremely frustrating, especially reading through the dialogue over and over. Trying to see some meaning in the riddles he spoke in Smile One thing is clear, he really did not want people intruding there. It did feel like an interrogation. And the whole 'you're not ready' thing has been driving me nuts! Laughing I've read from some other people that have reported the same type of thing, the beings telling them they shouldn't be there and saying things like, "He's not ready yet." But this was the first time I've had that communicated directly to me.

And thanks for the kind words Rising Spirit. I hoped for exactly that; to inspire people to push farther, to voyage further into the Salvinorin Seas Smile To maybe see this place for themselves, and glean some more information from these elusive and secretive beings.
Rising Spirit
#6 Posted : 6/10/2011 10:02:59 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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gibran2 wrote:
@ Rising Spirit – I’m curious about something: I’ve noticed in several of your posts that you say you try to bypass entities. I’m not at all familiar with Hindu philosophy, but find your stance very interesting. Could you expand on it? (If not briefly in this thread, then it sounds like something worthy of a thread itself.)

I truly love and respect Brother Dioxippus too much to divert any attention away from his fine trip report. I applaud his creativity and clarity of expression! Cool

I will make a new thread and pursue some of your queries in the new post. I will attempt to explain my own personal spin on Indian Vedanta and Advaita (non-dualism), tucked within the vast tangle of Hinduism, and what I am aiming at; how this effects my thought process. you know, my wordy predilection for the Zen idea of No Mind? This is the link:

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#7 Posted : 6/12/2011 11:46:33 PM

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I told my avatar not to show up in other people's trips. Smile

Dio, your trip report sounds sort of like a UFO abduction story. I wonder if there is a connection there?

The next time you visit the entities, you should ask them why they are so protective of their realm. Also, the blue meanie wanted to know how you got there. He isn't very bright. He should have known that it was salvia/spice that delivered you.

I just read SL24's comment over at edot. Maybe the entities are trying to tell you that everything is an illusion, including inside the brain entities and outside the brain entities. Maybe the knowledge of the insubstantiality of things is too difficult for you (and me) to bear. I'm not ready to believe SL's premise yet. Unlike Rising Spirit, I have had little success with non duality. I've had great success with boredom and anxiety. Smile

Rising Spirit wrote:

I will make a new thread and pursue some of your queries in the new post. I will attempt to explain my own personal spin on Indian Vedanta and Advaita (non-dualism), tucked within the vast tangle of Hinduism, and what I am aiming at; how this effects my thought process. you know, my wordy predilection for the Zen idea of No Mind? This is the link:

RS. Is there room in non-dualism for God? I don't think so.

Rising Spirit
#8 Posted : 6/13/2011 2:38:23 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
RS. Is there room in non-dualism for God? I don't think so.

I wholly agree, insofar as the antiquated concept of a Supreme Deity, which exists apart and removed from the material plane. I fully realize that when the word, "God" is spoken, all kinds of anthropomorphic concepts rise to the surface. So, I feel that much of the wrinkle over the GOD idea is purely semantical. It really depends what we mean by God. Right? My belief in the Divine is more akin to nondulaist theologies, like Taoism or Advaita, so sure... I do not prescribe to the notion that God is a polarity of duality or a transcendent ego on a Heavenly throne.

Certain modifications are necessary and must be made when one seeks to embrace the totality, the Oneness, the energy field of indivisible consciousness. I see God as the singular current which flows throughout all creation, all life forms, every dimension. The cosmic pulse, as it were. That being said, even quantum physicists accept that quantum fluctuations have emanated from "nothingness". The Void. Yet, this nothingness is not absence of existence, it is absence of form. I digress?

Well, I find that when we are in the midst of a powerful Salvia Divinorum breakthrough, we temporarily loose our own sense of self and despite this stopping of the routine thought process, there is a profound awareness of quite another dynamic taking place. Strangely enough, while I have no clue about myself, I have come to go into an immersion with a force which permeates every fiber of those pulsing, folding over, sheets of Salvinorin wave currents.

From my windowsill, this is what the Godhead is all about. I have found that the universe is an intelligent, living spiritual force, which is fully present and dancing within each of us and everything that exists. As I have come to understand this path I walk, each passing moment contains a vast potential to perceive the quintessence of said Spirit, in pause we take from our perpetual mental dialog.

So in a nutshell, I believe that God is the unifying principle within the Sacred design of our many realities and the insubstantial force which for no reason we can likely ever comprehend, animates the mechanics of quantum fluctuation and so, explodes into being, within a multitude of vibratory frequencies. The Salvia entities are certainly part of this process, so I can only speculate about how this all conjoins in the peak of the experience, since I am now on this side of the looking glass. So to speak.

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#9 Posted : 6/13/2011 11:00:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I guess I pretty much agree with you Rising Spirit. When I do plain leaf, I can exist in the no-thought realm for several minutes before my mind starts attaching to the world of names and forms around me. It's a great feeling being un-attached. (while it lasts)
#10 Posted : 6/14/2011 8:57:26 PM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
From my windowsill, this is what the Godhead is all about. I have found that the universe is an intelligent, living spiritual force, which is fully present and dancing within each of us and everything that exists. As I have come to understand this path I walk, each passing moment contains a vast potential to perceive the quintessence of said Spirit, in pause we take from our perpetual mental dialog.

Exactly my thoughts, yet again Smile Just more eloquently presented Pleased

burningmouth wrote:
When I do plain leaf, I can exist in the no-thought realm for several minutes before my mind starts attaching to the world of names and forms around me. It's a great feeling being un-attached. (while it lasts)

I agree again. Well said. That's exactly the way I converse with myself in my internal dialogue, just before my nightly puff of Salvia smoke. "Time to get detached."
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