I am posting this on behalf of my significant other. She has always downplayed my view on psychedelic drugs as a beneficial aspect for therapy, growth, exploration, etc. before circumstances led her to meeting someone at a party who was talking about DMT. She decided to try it for some reason. She said it was of a dark color tinted red or brown so Im guessing it was this jungle DMT Ive heard about. Here is what she told me...
The amount dosed was probably the size of a pencil eraser but not sure how much was smoked. A plastic water bottle with a makeshift stem was used to fill a fair amount of the bottle with smoke. One toke, held in for 15-20 seconds. She said she blacked out after 5 or 10 seconds of feeling peculiar. She felt the sensation of floating above her body and into the clouds then immediately broke through.
She was put in the presence of an entity she said was named Xavier, as if it were known telepathically. Initially she had fear and worry as to what this being was going to say but it was inviting. She looked down at her hands, her arms were both big solid crystals. She felt the sense of being in a church or holy place as the entity preached. The entity she encountered was described as a blob of fog, something anthropomorphic. Its body remained the same as it simultaneously morphed into the face of me, her brother, sister, her parents, as well as her parent's parents whom she has never seen before. Odd. It was communicating via a foreign language described by her as latin yet completely understood and she even had communicated back through a sort of glossolalia. She was able to ask it questions to which most were ignored or interrupted. It did respond to one question however, about the fate of her and myself and our relationship. It told her not to let me go and do not take this life for granted as well as a number of other things. Now the disturbing part, it told her that our 3-year old son we have will grow up with a dysfunctionality and his life will be different than others and that her parents will die on the same day. During that time in her experience I asked her if it felt as if everything she was going through felt like a downloading of information, she concurred. The entity said a whole lot and she said she was in its presence for about 20 minutes, or so it felt. It seemed as if the entity was in a hurry to convey this information and opened up a portal and asked her to step through the portal only if she had understood everything it had told her. She hesitated at first but stepped through the portal which was a ring surrounded by fire, ice, water, stones, and gems. She was back in her body and dumbfounded. The guy who was with her said she was only passed out for a few seconds. She said it was a life changing experience. Wow.
Thoughts on this experience are appreciated, I am not sure what to say about it except its unbelievable!
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."