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Nexus Ark Options
#21 Posted : 6/10/2011 1:15:15 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Tsehakla wrote:
jbark wrote:
II propose a vessel called the USS (universally shared ship) NEXUS ARC ( aya reconnaissance craft), the hull hewn from mimosa hostilis root bark, the masts twining caapi and the sails of this ship, stitched viridris leaf in the stern and chali jib at bow. All sides shall be refered to as starboard, and the only things permitted on board are dreams, in pairs, male and female, of course.


That wouldn't work. After a couple weeks at sea we'd probably be bobbing round in the water trying to figure out how to turn our GVG's into life preservers because we extracted the thing.

That's way we sail to the Amazon, to replenish supplies and patch the ship!!
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
Laban Shrewsbury III
#22 Posted : 6/10/2011 1:58:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Discussions of this sort seem to come up quite frequently here and always tend to hover between earnestness and frivolity.

Given the strength of a lot of Nexians' dissatisfaction at the nature of modern society, and all this burning secessionist sentiment, has anyone ever actually taken steps to establishing any kind of "entheogenic community"? And by taken steps I mean gotten into face-to-face contact with other members, invested money, relocated, acquired or developed land, etc. Or is it just something nice to think about but never act on?

Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon.
#23 Posted : 6/10/2011 3:05:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Looked into it once... around here you'd need to set up all the stuff that I assume we don't like so much; it would be easier to take over an already established small town.
Two things to keep in mind:
1) It is all lies.
2) There is no privacy on the Internet.
#24 Posted : 6/10/2011 11:34:31 AM

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SKA, bless you brother, i truly appreciate your forward going spirit, and got a real nice kick out of how you directly went searching for second hand boats!Very happy
Which brings me to thank you for helping me discover how unbelievably CHEAP second hand sailboats are today, you can get a real nice 10m fully equipped one for 10000 euros. Learn how to sail, and you're ready to go far and wide, i've read you need about 300 euros/person/month when cruising,mostly food if you do repairs yourself. And even if you stay at port for a small fee, you've got yourself a cool floating caravan to live in, cheaper than any rent you'll find on the coast.
it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
EquaL Observer
#25 Posted : 6/10/2011 1:33:05 PM


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Like the idea of self sustaining boat homes powered by waves with hydroponic plant rooms... plenty of room in the ocean
Your depth is your integrity
#26 Posted : 6/10/2011 4:23:48 PM


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hehehe, excellent thread

my vote goes for decommissioned Russian nuclear submarines

growhouses instead of nuclear silos, a few seed and spore torpedoes if shitstorm happens above sea level

ay ay captain traveller
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#27 Posted : 6/10/2011 11:18:05 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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It's so great to see this ball rolling.

Damn Rooftop, a 10m well-equiped sailing ship for only 10000 euros?
That is very do-able. Then you could invest some more to add a system that filters Methane gas off of the crew's Sewage, an engine that can run on Methane-gas and propulsion screws.
I guess that would make it a hybrid sailing-engine powered ship. The extra power from the engine could be used to increase topspeed and to increase manouverability ( as the screw's
thrust passes by a steerable rudder ) For that upgrade you probably have to bring another 10000 euros to the table (I've no idea of the costs of such equipment)
Once this is done the ship doesn't need to stop everywhere and pay loads of money to refuel while it's travelling. It could just go and go and go.

A group of between 5 and 10 people could bring such money together in a reasonable amount of time. I guess a 10m sailing ship has room enough for 10 people.
5 to 10 people is a nice number of crew-members too. One of those people oughta be a captain, able to steer a ship(obviously). At least 1 of them oughta be a good
mechanic/engineer. And at least 1 of them oughta be medically skilled/educated. Any skills and knowledge vital to survival and life at sea could be learned,
like open sea-fishing, cultivating various plants, basic mechanical skills/knowledge, basic healthcare & medical/medicinal knowledge.

You could have a larger crew, but you'd need a bigger ship. But with more people more money can be brought to the table so a large enough ship can be bought.
The larger the crew, the more continuously you have a Sewage derrived Methane-fuel supply I guess.

Instead of 1 large ship, it's also possible to live & travel together with a large group of people in an oceanic caravan of a number of smaller,
10 man-crew ships. Sailing in a caravan of several ships is allways safer than travelling alone.
With proper long-range communication equipment aboard, the ships could part ways and still be in touch with eachother.
Such oceanic caravans could explore for uninhabited, fertile islands suitable to be the home for a self-sustaining ecovillage.
Uppon discovery and exploration of a desirable island some ships could stay while others sail to the nearest civilisation and obtain
some building-supplies and sail back to the island so the building of houses, roads and temples can begin.
Laban Shrewsbury III
#28 Posted : 6/11/2011 12:44:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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^ So, 5 to 10 people, all willing to pool their resources, quit their jobs, leave their family and friends and go away to sea on a boat full of psychedelics?

I don't mean to sound a dick but what's the point of all this daydreaming, really? Does anyone here actually engage in real life advocacy, social reform, communal activism, etc. or is it all just escapist nonsense? It seems so tragic to waste all this passion and longing for change on these kinds of impractical adolescent fantasies.

Apologies if I'm taking this thread entirely too seriously, but there's real work to be done in the world, and to see useful energies misdirected into plans for cultish seclusion is just frustrating.
Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon.
#29 Posted : 6/11/2011 1:10:19 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Laban Shrewsbury III wrote:
^ So, 5 to 10 people, all willing to pool their resources, quit their jobs, leave their family and friends and go away to sea on a boat full of psychedelics?

I don't mean to sound a dick but what's the point of all this daydreaming, really? Does anyone here actually engage in real life advocacy, social reform, communal activism, etc. or is it all just escapist nonsense? It seems so tragic to waste all this passion and longing for change on these kinds of impractical adolescent fantasies.

Apologies if I'm taking this thread entirely too seriously, but there's real work to be done in the world, and to see useful energies misdirected into plans for cultish seclusion is just frustrating.

It's called a sense of humour, Mr Laban S III. Tongue in cheek, taking the piss, the irony inherent in such a plan that is at best against all odds, impractical folly and idle daydreaming - and it's damn good fun, so lighten up and jump on board!! Leave activism to another thread and guffaw with the gang!


Unless I am the only person who thinks so, of course...Wink
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#30 Posted : 6/11/2011 1:46:36 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Hit the nail on the head there, I am proudly engaging in escapist nonsense right now.

Perhaps someday...!


#31 Posted : 6/11/2011 12:28:52 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey Laban,

For now this thread is an escapist passtime, but if a group of people devoted to this this could very well be practical.
I myself like to create the boldest, most ideal, dreamiest ideas and then I will reduce and rationalise it into something more and more practical.

I idealised building a self-sustaining village on an uninhabited island, full of nature, preferably unclaimed by nations and untroubled by monetary or beaurocratic tyrany & stress.
Now a more realistic approach in roughly the same direction would be a ship. A ship could house a small community and travel at the same time.
A group of people could easily save up enough money to buy a ship big enough to house them. They could also gather enough money to upgrade the ship to run on Methane-gas, derrived
from the crew's Sewage. According to Rooftop well-equiped, 10 meter long sailing ships can be bought for 10000 euros. Adding the costs of the Methane-upgrade it would amount to
about 20000 euros ( blind, rough estimate )

It's not at all dreamy or unrealistic for 10 to 15 people to collect such money and buy the boat and the upgrade-parts It would take devotion.
And you'd be surprised how many people would be willing to devote to something like this. More and more people get interrested in radically different
ways of living, as they are getting more and more bored, fed up and financially troubled living their current consumerist lifestyle.

#32 Posted : 6/13/2011 10:03:00 AM


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seriously, the only way a nexus arc would be anything other then escape is if it could generate real measurable value to people outside the project

this can mean anything from a self sustaining society that sells fish and vegetables

to an technologically advanced self sustaining society that basically sells advanced goods and services developed and produced by specialized geniuses and activists. Thats the only remotely realistic way i see for it to exist in this world.

to live completely without money you actually need a lot of money, if the investment does not return income youre on your own. Meaning no internet and no new solar cells if they break. I like my electricity and water coming from the walls
blessed be all forms of intelligence
#33 Posted : 6/14/2011 4:41:12 AM
silently awaiting

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I wonder if the world would let the psychedelic-using crazies gallivant around the oceans freely, or if NATO would bomb the shit out of us... We would definitely make it easier for them to eradicate us.

Then again, with so many psyches being used we might just rip a whole in the space time continuum, and evade them forever!!!

Ron Paul could be captain!!! Haha.
We are...
We are like that sentence.
We are not finished.
#34 Posted : 8/12/2011 12:31:30 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Okay let's get serious & realistic about this again.
Does anyone know, or can anyone find out what a large seaship, like a cruiseship or decomissioned aircraft carrier, should cost?
If we know prices we can figure out how many people we need and how much money every individual is to provide for this sale to become possible.
#35 Posted : 8/17/2011 10:09:42 PM
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I know this thread was created in jest, but why not a couple hundred acres of land? Communal and self sufficient. Its already one of my prominent goals. I have a handful of people interested but progress is painfully slow as is to be expected. I have 5 acres of mostly pine and oak back home that I may end up utilizing in a similar capacity.

Its seems as if im not alone with this desire judging by a few comments here and id be thrilled to pool resources with a few like-minded individuals.
#36 Posted : 8/17/2011 10:16:55 PM

Stiletto Stoner


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SKA wrote:
Okay let's get serious & realistic about this again.
Does anyone know, or can anyone find out what a large seaship, like a cruiseship or decomissioned aircraft carrier, should cost?
If we know prices we can figure out how many people we need and how much money every individual is to provide for this sale to become possible.

If not looking for ark per se, Peru ?
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#37 Posted : 8/18/2011 6:29:39 AM

The Root

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i rate we buy palmyrah atoll and build up walls on its tiny coastline - 200m high
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#38 Posted : 8/18/2011 6:31:36 AM

The Root

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kinda like fort carrol x more creative ppl.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

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