I had to deal with mosquitos last night. Yes, they are a still a pain. The goal was to have an awesome nature experience, but found that I just buried my head in the ground so I wasn't constantly fending off mosquitos. Eventually though, they just went away on their own and I was able to enjoy. When they left, I remember thinking, "good thing they left, or the whole trip would have revolved around thoughts of avoiding blood suckers". I have become accustomed to the perfect quietness of my own bed for oral spice, and so being outside, there were more distractions and detractions.
Anyway, I would bring a mosquito hat, and also long pants, and gloves. They make full length mosquito coats for cheap, as well. I've found that a perfect mosquito shield is the mosquito hat, combined with wearing a pair of shorts over your head. The whole neck is covered, and your face fits perfectly through the leg hole. Man, when there are a lot of mosquitos, they will go for any part of your body that isn't covered, and even the mosquito hat won't stop them completely, but the shorts will.
I mean, you might notice them a little bit less on your body, but ayahuasca shouldn't mess you up so much that you wouldn't even notice mosquitos flying in your face or your eyes. That would not be good.