Hey guys. Thanks for the welcome

Nice seed, I think I'll let it sprout and see what comes of it

Thanks Ice House. Study maybe wasn't the right word, more just that I've opened my mind a bit and feel that there's more than meets the senses here. I've just started reading The Holographic Universe and after looking up DMT it seems like DMT may be some sort of link between the higher consciousness and the everyday consciousness/body, so I'd like to explore that

Ok not really sure how to put this bit and don't want to say very much about it at the moment but I'm also curious to see if it could help shed light on something that I experienced when I was young, maybe it will, maybe not. I used to be quite open to the idea of people having an eternal soul and there being a link between us all and between everything in nature, then for some reason I shut down and ignored it for years. I want to know the truth and I think DMT could help me with that. That's it really. Of course there is always the question of "how do I know anything I learned while tripping on DMT can be reliable information?", only one way to find out I suppose

I had my first smoke of some DMT on Thursday after my first Tai Chi lesson (deffinately like Tai Chi!). Unfortunately it had been sitting around for a while and it had lost a lot of it's potency as it was an extremely light trip, very little visual's and it wore off very quickly. No worries though, gathering supplies for the first extract now

Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
In an ocean of music, we move with the flow
You think that's air you're breathing now?