Hi there!
It's an exciting time in my life! We are making psychedelic trance parties in a small city in Poland, making psychedelic fluorescent decorations, visualisations and playing the most trippy trance music that is available. I've tried almost all classes of drugs but I'm now more into natural psychedelics then ever. Trust me, I've tried everything and nothing has such deep meaning, is as interesting and so powerful as psychedelics. But you all know that already. So, we are building a real psychedelic underground here, promoting psychedelic culture, positive attitudes and opening people minds to new possibilities. I doubt that we will ever succeed but it's still an exciting moment in my life when my creative energy can at last be put to use. Both of us are interested in spirituality, shamanism, Buddhism and esoterica. We have some success on our different but not exclusive paths. This means clean mystical states and communications without the aid of psychedelic drugs. We play both soft and heavy but we have an aim that is hidden because we want to attract people who don't get it... yet.
As for myself, I've a Master degree in Philosophy and some studies in the field of cognitive sciences, psychology, sociology and evolutionary biology. Few years I was engaged in anarchist activities, organised some demonstrations and collaborated with few international and Polish leftist organisations. I really see those times as trying too push things forward a bit in direction of a more positive, open and free World.
I believe in spirits, higher spheres, Truth and such other things. Feeling energy and other New Age stuff are a common bread for me. I see links that are hidden. A whole new dimension opened up before me. Being sober and with help of my friends I was able to verify - with scientific rigorousness - those experiences.
It's exciting that it's the time when I can feel the power of DMT for the first time. I'm waiting for my gram of Changa and I hope that it will prove itself to be a powerful ally. I can only hope that with the help of Guarding Spirits we can use all those possibilities to reach more positive state of life, purifying our hearts, upgrading our minds and evolving our spirits toward better world for everyone. I saw so many pitfalls and spiritual failures that I can only pray for guidance.
Well, that's the whole story in a nutshell. Any questions?
Oh, I've almost forgot. Stay psychedelic and ENJOY LIFE!
Love and light from Polish psychedelic Goa trance team "Phantastica"!