entheogenius wrote:Hi! So I've got some spice and thinking of making some changa with:
10x caapi
10x cagroponga
10x damiana
and blue lotus
The ratio I'm thinking of is 1:1
the first one i'm thinking of is: Ayahuasca Android: 70% Caapi - 30% Chaliponga
but I dont know what to do with the damiana and blue lotus.
Is it okay to do: 50% Damiana - 50% blue lotus?
Any tips is gladly welcomed!
Why not make a few batches? Make one of just plain caapi and spice. Then perhaps a couple of more batches with Damiana and blue lotus mixed in?
Unfortunately or fortunately (depends on your view), as I learned myself, this is such new territory that everyone interested needs to have a little bit of the experimentalist attitude. Please report back on what you try and the effects you notice. For sure different herbs will color the experience.
If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.