I was introduced to DMT in 2008, through Joe Rogan's YouTube (sub)sensation. A minute in and I was intrigued... to say the least. I stayed intrigued until December of 2010, when, with the priceless help of the Nexus and its members, my curiosity was satisfied. Or shall I say, my curiosity was peaked?
DMT has captivated me. Everything DMT - its pharmacology, its history, subjective effects, methods of use, methods of extraction and preparation, the unending spiritual/philosophical/ analysis/speculations/implications...
This is why I can lurk no longer. Let me point out that it is false to claim that my first DMT experience peaked my curiosity. My curiosity has grown exponentially. I find myself pondering the reason for DMT's existence and interaction with humans for what seems like all day sometimes!
Nexians, accept me as your own!