Hi, first off, I'm currently studying in psychology, but am very far from a PhD, I am hoping to focus my studies on transpersonal psychology through meditation, holotropic breathing, psychedelik therapy. I'm telling you that so you know I am far from an expert but the focus of my life's 'research' is to help people get through phases like you had.
Transpersonal psychology was researched by only a few marginal Characters, Abraham Maslow, Stanislas Grof, Carlos Castaneda, Ken Wilber... it is an approach to psychology that finds its roots in Oriental philosophy, it was created in an attempt to break the paradigm of medicinal psychology that limits our 'spirit' or 'conscience' to chemical reactions, dooming our young people to be broken throught addictive unproven drugs. It suggests other states of mind out of the ego, out of your current 'universe of concepts', out of causality and time.
Now... on the same note, Stanislas Grof wrote about 'The Holotropic mind' wich suggests that our mind has access to some sort of a 'tree of possible futures' to actually focus on one possible future and make it happen, we usually call this determination... If you believe in it hard enough it happens. Wich is why the understanding of Eastern philosophy and the way they had for their people to find this internal force that is, to believe.
-I think what happened to you is a holotropic crisis, a moment where the possibilities explored by your mind overwhelmed your capacity to let go of them and chose the right one. If a doctor tells you 'you are bipolar son, take this and you'll feel better' and you take the thing, then you take the 'tunnel reality' the doctor tells you to take.
The way you explain it seems like you simply triggered it by smoking a little too much weed for a little too long, so my first suggestion is that you try smoking less often, it doesnt matter if when you smoke you smoke a cargoload, just... from now on, take Weed a little more seriously, take it like a psychedelik experience, take your time to recover from your trips... take your time to establish a creative setting just as you'd do for a mushroom trip.
I also consider that in the case of a public forum, you might not have told about events happening in your personal life that would have helped trigger your panic attacks, If this is the case, remember that interpersonal relationships might be the root of your problem, what you see as 'panic' might also be unhealthy emotions such as hate, jaleousy or guilt.
-You should really not take the effexor, it is very addictive and it breaks people, definitely, especially when taken with Tryptamines (LSD, DMT) if you end up taking it, at least remember not to do tryptamines... ever...sadly enuff... or very unexpectable events WILL happen.
-Go to a teashop and buy 3 things:
Hypericum (acts as Serotonine Inhibitor)
Hibiscus (acts as MAO)
Oregano essentail oil (immune system super power up)
-Before you sleep have a tea of Hibiscus mixed with Hypericum (I found it's a nice routine who makes people smile in the morning when they usually dont, it also helps your brain regulate serotonin while you sleep)
-When you wake up, take 5 drops of oregano oil under your tongue (after 3-4 seconds you feel like the bottom of your mouth will blow, after 15-20 seconds it's gone) not necessary to have a routine but it helps your body fight most of the bacterias / viruses that would otherwise... drain your joy.
About what is the 'name' of the phenomenon that happened to you, check out Stanislas Grof and The Holotropic crisis I think it'll be a good start.
Good luck, Good wind.
You should not believe in such evil forces, it is how they actually exist around you and drain from you. If you reach a true sense of ego loss wich is not illusion, where all concepts are inexistant, no entities can exist to trouble you, inside or outside your head, 'real' or not.
'The beginning of science is... I don't know'