'Not at all alike is the world of God and those of the mortals' -Herodotus
'If you ever think you understand the TAO, it means that you've just left it' -Jung
'anyone who claims to understand quantum physics without intense anxiety, did not understand quantum physics'- S. Hawkings
Hi, I use these three quotes to present you Mankind vs. Chaos, The general message from much spiritual figures or quantum and para-scientists is that Chaos is cool, chill, everything emerges and returns to it BUT don't you try and understand chaos, because you won't. Acceptance is beyond comprehension, Once you have understood the phenomenon of death (as in end of life, not as in what is after death) you must accept it BUT!!! don't you go back to the comprehension phase.
One thing for sure about death, no matter how rational, spiritual, true, proven your method of approaching the question is... you will be smashed down and it will be an apocalypse, it will be a Revelation

Enoon said a couple posts earlier: **At the moment you identify with this body, this mind, your thoughts and feelings, but perhaps this is just a construct embedded in a much larger being-existence. If you can shift your identity to the larger processes of the universe then personal death could seem like only another transformation of energy.**
I have been through state of mind that I consider beyond death during DMT experiences but only a few and I was guided by a spirit to get rid of the Illusions my ego can create even after breakthrough.
I reccommend you read 'The Psychedelik Experience'' by Tim Leary (or at least read the first chapter), it is an analysis of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, wich was meant to help Buddhist Lamas to practice... Death and reincarnation. It is easy to understand and will help you breakthrough the Bardos (Layers of your ego) and reach a complete state of Ego Death, through natural exercises.
The buddhists believe that our mind is powerful enough to perfectly simulate the sensation of death, because we reincarnate, so it is only a matter of remembering. Maybe you'd find the Tibetan and Zen Buddhist schools interesting for thanatonautics.
This curiosity that you have towards death in a blessing, not a disease. Don't believe people saying you have depressive thoughts... If exploring dark stuff such as death (without the killing part of course) brings you to a sacred truth state of mind, don't waste your time understanding (why am I so intrigued by death) and accept it, adjust your surroudings to who you really are and I can bet, the depressive thoughts will go away.
Poetry/Art is a channel through the worlds beyond wich your mind can create and the world of Newton and euclidian physics. So here are the lyrics of Radiohead's Pyramid Song, Thom Yorke's peotry is a medication against thanatophobia IMO.
I jumped in the river and what did I see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cars
All the things I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
@CELLUX: I strongly agree with you my brother, it is a rotten world we live in, taxes we pay are used to expand industry into thrid world countries, we Kill, we exploit, we steal, we emprison... And the way people deal with this is horrible, people are absolutely unconscious of the world around, people are delusional and rationally irrational!!! Here in Canada, the reaction to most opression is 'This is chickenshit we see worst on TV'
The reaction you have towards society is simply a natural reaction, it is the way we should all react to the horrible things our government does in our name... collective guilt for all of mankinds screw-ups.
In psychology, we call this resilience, it is the beginning of conditioning, and you have fortunately escaped it

But you have to remember my brother, you have to remember to let it all go, because if you don't, society will win and break you into a consuming machine, and your fears about this society will become reality... remember this brother... Let go and forgive.
'The path wil be shown to those who will listen' -Jesus
Peace and much love to you all!
'The beginning of science is... I don't know'