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#1 Posted : 5/18/2011 7:06:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3
Joined: 18-May-2011
Last visit: 29-May-2011
Location: NE
Hey all,

I had to register and become part of this wonderful community. The discussion going on here is excellent, surprisingly civilized for an internet forum (we all know how those can be). I know I will learn a lot in my time here. It seems the more I mature the more I become in tune with my body and the environment, which I partially credit to psychedelics, for they have allowed me to see deeper into myself, thus enabling me to view the world from multiple perspectives, emphatically in many ways, because I realize life is all about perspective, which I see reiterated here many, many times in my 30 min I have been browsing, and one I have recently come to ingrain in my brain as a way to stay positive, even in the bleakest situations.

Actually the real reason I am making this post right now and not studying for my biology exam tomorrow is because, after all of these years, since my curiosity for altered states of consciousness began to spark during high school, followed by many bizarre and beautiful experiences over the years, I finally have N,N-DMT in my possession thanks to a particularly good person, an acquaintance I had made last summer. I don't know why he gave my friend DMT to give to me (probably because he knows I am into these things and he is a really cool dude), but I am very grateful that DMT has finally made its way to me without any effort on my part. That is what I came here to talk about. It's incredible, isn't it? Even as a young, immature lad during high school, I always knew DMT was special, and I always had this feeling that when I was ready to blast off the DMT would find its way into my hands. And it did! Last summer I was with this person at a festival with 3 of my best friends on the fourth of July. DMT was present, but the moment in which I had hoped and thought I would partake in the experience passed, only to surface a few hours later, but I knew that current moment was just not right somehow, and I passed it up, begrudgingly, though I knew it had to be done. Now, nearly a year later, it's in my hands.

When will I dose? When the moment is right, of course. I've been waiting for years now, so what's a while longer?

McTwist Very happy

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#2 Posted : 5/18/2011 7:14:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 156
Joined: 15-May-2011
Last visit: 15-May-2016
Location: West Coast USA
What a nice story. I am new here too. Welcome and please let us know how it goes when you do blast off.
Upon return from hyperspace-"Wow I have a body with arms and legs and everything!"

btw-It's all true!
#3 Posted : 5/18/2011 10:40:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Last visit: 06-Feb-2025
Location: Jungle
Welcome to the Nexus!

I think if you spend another 30 mins, or hour, or day, or week, or month, or year or many years, you will keep being surprised at the level of interaction here Very happy I certainly am, this has become a big family for me and I think if you stick around it will for you too Smile

Im glad to hear that someone gave you dmt like this, you will see how against we are about selling/buying dmt and rather people give it away/receive with care to/from the right people, or extract the molecule themselves. Which makes me wonder, are you considering extracting it too? Its very easy, as you can read in our WIKI with the many extraction teks, and then you'll be self sufficient and be able to smoke/ingest it whenever you want, and spread the love Smile

Also dont forget to check the FAQ and all the links provided in your welcome pm such as health and safety section and so on, we hope all this information we made available can help people making the most out of these experiences in the safest and most respectful way.

How are you thinking of smoking it? This is one of the most important parts and where a lot of people get it wrong, and specially if you have limited amount of dmt, better get this one right Smile

So are you interested in oral dmt/ayahuasca too?

See you around!
#4 Posted : 5/18/2011 5:59:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3
Joined: 18-May-2011
Last visit: 29-May-2011
Location: NE
Compared to some other psychedelic forums, the level of interaction and love found on here is a big step up from what I'm used to. I hope to make this my home and actually get to know all of you wonderful folks.

Unfortunately I live with my dad and grandparents. My dad could care less about what I do, but my grandparents would be appalled if I tried to extract drugs in their home. It hasn't stopped me before from performing LSA extractions and even managing to successfully complete an experimental indoor cannabis grow under less than ideal conditions in my 11th grade of high school, yielding about 7 - 10 grams of quality dank herb from two root bound, stress plagued females. Every year since 10th grade I've been attempting to grow cannabis outdoors with tremendous yet short-lived success. My beauties always get yanked around July when they are monsters, even with LST and other plant cover. So, in an effort to learn and keep my interest in horticulture alive, I have created a nice vegetable garden that I have expanded by a few feet this year. Last year was my first in the ground organic grow and I had excellent results. I must have the feel for it, a green thumb I suppose, and my interest in nutrition and healthy living has urged me to become self-sufficient in many aspects of my life. Nothing better than fresh homegrown fruits and veggies. So much fun too. This year I will also sow a few cannabis seeds and I have acquired papaver somniferum seeds (giganteum strain) in order to grow some pretty looking flowers and hopefully produce some fine smokeable opium (I've always wanted to try opium). We'll see how this goes...I am disrespecting my grandparents' wishes, but I honestly feel as though I am doing nothing wrong, and I see no harm in growing illict plants as long as they are camouflaged well and kept on the down low, which they will be. I know they would not approve, but I have always had a burning desire to grow the best marijuana around, organically, with love and care. I'm at a point in my life where getting high is becoming less and less fun. I see periods of sobriety not has boredom but as a chance to remain grounded in clarity of thought, a chance to become mindful in everyday situations. Smoking weed on a daily basis is soon to become extinct in my life, even in social settings (which I hate getting high in). So why grow you ask? Because there is something about growing plants, especially psychoactive plants, which is highly intriguing to me. You should've seen me in 10th grade of high school discovering that I too could grow weed successfully and easily. Once I learned I had the power within me, the desire to learn and apply that learning to fruitful experience, I was overjoyed and consumed myself with everything cultivation-related. That's when I knew I had the ability to follow my passions and do whatever I pleased. I will look into extractions for novelty's sake, but I am almost certain that at this point I will not be extracting my own DMT. There comes a time though....all I know is that the extraction can be performed by a simple acid/base wash to get impure DMT. From then on there are certain methods of purification to form nearly pure crystalline structures. Sounds like lots of fun =]

I'm going to need to research how to smoke DMT. I have a few bowls and a bong, but I want to do it the most efficiently as I can in order to not waste any precious molecules. Now that the substance is actually in my possession, the burning desire to learn and understand every aspect of the experience, chemical, procedures, etc. has ignited within me. Almost feels like that time in high school when I was like "oh shit! I'm gonna grow weed!" I believe I only have 100mg roughly, stored inside a pill capsule. I'll weigh it out then and research doses and what not, but apparently I'm supposed to consume it all, although I thought that 50mg of DMT was enough for a breakthrough, but I guess with improper smoking/vaping technique the amount need to breakthrough increases drastically.

As for oral DMT, I am interested in both pharmahuasca and the traditional ayahuasca preparation. The time is definitely not right for either of those. I need way more experience with DMT to tread in those waters. The experience sounds incredibly beautiful and enlightening though, so at least once before I die will I make an effort to have a genuine experience this way. I recently acquired a tupperware container full of various medicinal herbs, fully labeled and sealed in mason jars. One that has highly intrigued me was the jar labeled 'Rue'. I suppose this might be Syrian Rue, or at least some type of MAOi, so the prospect of actually consuming the DMT orally crossed my mind, but I believe it's best to experience the intense, short-lived "high" of vaporized DMT first. I will also be making sure that the setting for when I dose is as best as possible, in the right moment, with my two close friends, after a period of meditation and reflection. I know for certain DMT will open my mind farther than any substance has thus far, and I've eaten quite a share of different psychedelics.

Thanks for the replies guys, I just aced my biology final and have large aspirations for the future. I could not be at a better place in my life right now. Things seem to have fallen into place. Even though I am unsure of where I am headed, I know that whichever path I choose will be the one that is meant for me.


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