
Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
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Posts: 2854 Joined: 16-Mar-2010 Last visit: 01-Dec-2023 Location: montreal
Have to second "the Nines". Everyone on this forum should see it. Gibran2 recommended it to me and I rented it, watched it twice in 2 days then ordered my own copy from amazon. Not a perfect film, but conceptually will strike a few chords with most here, I believe. JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
 John Murdoch IV
Posts: 2038 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 03-Jul-2024 Location: Changes from time to time.
jbark wrote:Have to second "the Nines". Everyone on this forum should see it. Gibran2 recommended it to me and I rented it, watched it twicw in 2 days then ordered my own copy from amazon. Not a perfect film, but conceptually will strke a few chords with most here, I believe.
JBArk Yeah I agree. Not perfect but interesting. And different. ––––––
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction. I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!
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Posts: 171 Joined: 03-Sep-2010 Last visit: 01-Jun-2014 Location: in the moment
I've seen some great selections on this list. Thanks all for the recommendations. I don't believe i saw this one yet : The Imaginarium Of Doctor ParnassusHeath Ledgers last film. Def worth the time to check out. Thanks, Soulshine The tragedy of life isn't that it's too short, it's that we take too long to begin it...
-NO TURN UNSTONED- "Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in !!!"
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 A Light-Breather
Posts: 21 Joined: 06-Feb-2011 Last visit: 04-Dec-2012 Location: North
Soulshine wrote: I don't believe i saw this one yet : The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
That's a really good movie, you should definitely watch that movie, It has an very interesting concept. Also it has very good acting IMO. appreciation | compassion | forgiveness | humility | understanding | valor - the six heart virtues
 A Light-Breather
Posts: 21 Joined: 06-Feb-2011 Last visit: 04-Dec-2012 Location: North
Soulshine wrote: I don't believe i saw this one yet : The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus
That's a really good movie, you should definitely watch that movie, It has an very interesting concept. Also it has very good acting IMO. appreciation | compassion | forgiveness | humility | understanding | valor - the six heart virtues
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 Dimitri Spacepipe
Posts: 48 Joined: 17-Feb-2011 Last visit: 09-Dec-2013
theres two that i haven't seen but iv heard and read amazing things. ApocalyptoBlueberry
heres a link to a scene from Blueberry: http://www.youtube.com/w...O7A&feature=related WARNING!! POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT also check out Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orangegreat stuff hopefully these will keep you entertained  “He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.” - Samuel Johnson
Disclaimer: Every post by Alienteaparty is in no way to be taken seriously, Alienteaparty is purely a figment of a sick-sad child's imagination!
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Posts: 681 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 24-Dec-2011
Just finished watching "The Nines"
Excellent film I likely would of never seen were it not for this thread.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1760 Joined: 28-May-2009 Last visit: 10-Oct-2024
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Posts: 30 Joined: 02-Nov-2009 Last visit: 06-Jun-2024 Location: 4th Dimension
I would thoroughly recommend all the Zeitgeist documentaries, especially the latest one Moving Foward.
Waking Life American Psycho Seven Pounds -- Was very moved by this movie
Many more but memory escapes me at the moment
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 8 Joined: 22-Feb-2011 Last visit: 27-Apr-2014 Location: Home Base
Fantastic Planet (La Planete Sauvage) 1973 animated science fiction film with an awesome Funky soundtrack. It's about humans being kept as pets of giant aliens, dope.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2854 Joined: 16-Mar-2010 Last visit: 01-Dec-2023 Location: montreal
qu3tz wrote:Fantastic Planet (La Planete Sauvage) 1973 animated science fiction film with an awesome Funky soundtrack. It's about humans being kept as pets of giant aliens, dope. YES! I have an old VHS and have been meaning to get the DVD. VERY strange - dates a bit, but well worth watching. Reminded me a little of the book "voyage to arcturus" by David Lindsay. Anyone read it? Hypophantasychedelitrippholistica!! Both of em! JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2854 Joined: 16-Mar-2010 Last visit: 01-Dec-2023 Location: montreal
FastFourierT wrote:Stalker(1979) by Tarkovsky. SWIM's has not seen deeper/philosophical movie than this. Although SWIMs lucky hes able to understand its original language and set/settings/atmosphere hence it resonated strongly with him. Even then it was a difficult watch however. Huge props to anyone whos seen it and was able to understand it(even just fraction of it) and sit through its entire 3 hours and maybe even like it a little bit without having Russian background Loved stalker, own it and watch it at least once a year. Check out The Sacrifice and Solaris by him as well. JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 8 Joined: 22-Feb-2011 Last visit: 27-Apr-2014 Location: Home Base
jbark wrote:qu3tz wrote:Fantastic Planet (La Planete Sauvage) 1973 animated science fiction film with an awesome Funky soundtrack. It's about humans being kept as pets of giant aliens, dope. YES! I have an old VHS and have been meaning to get the DVD. VERY strange - dates a bit, but well worth watching. Reminded me a little of the book "voyage to arcturus" by David Lindsay. Anyone read it? Hypophantasychedelitrippholistica!! Both of em! JBArk Wow, that book sounds very interesting. Fantasy, philosophy and science fiction, now thats my cup of psychedelic tea!
 DMT-Nexus member
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Growing Op"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."
"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
Posts: 35 Joined: 12-May-2011 Last visit: 08-Sep-2011 Location: Australia
A lot of these are already posted. But theyre so awesome I'll post them again: Waking Life American Beauty Dead Man (I don't think I saw this in the posts, its considered an "Acid Western", absolutely brilliant) Enter The Void Donnie Darko Mulholland Drive Fight Club Locked up inside you, like the calm beneath castles, is a cavern of treasures no one has been to.
MojoPin is a fictional character and therefore all activity he is associated with should be treated as fiction.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1925 Joined: 28-Apr-2010 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024
I don't know if these have been listed, but they are worth mentioning. Pay it forward - A+++ on principle. The world needs more kids like that. And a movie that just leaves your jaw dropped saying "Dayyyyum" is a 10 min movie called "Spider" available on NetFlix. Definitely worth checking out. Quote from the movie - "You always have to take everything one step too far" Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 201 Joined: 10-Apr-2011 Last visit: 07-May-2024
PRIMER - awesome new twist on time travel, done more realistically(i think) but unique. LOST IN TRANSLATION -bill murray semi-serious SOMEWHERE - Done by same as ^ SPHERE - trippy horror flick THE ABYSS - classic alien SUNSHINE - beautifully done "save earth by re-igniting the sun" A BEAUTIFUL MIND - genius w/schizophrenia VANILLA SKY - psycological/beautifully done THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU - matt damon, twist on fate etc... "..I find myself stirred awake by the ambient noises of the world outside and a realization that my train of thought may not be running on time…but I've nowhere to be...except here."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
Some films I've enjoyed, * denotes my favorites: Wristcutters: A Love Story* Mr. Nobody Eden Log The Last Mimzy Contact The Cell The Happening* The Village* Signs* Lady in the Water Romper Stomper (Think American History X, but with Russell Crowe as the lead) Hard Candy (this one is quite disturbing, but good) I am Legend* I, Robot* The Pursuit of Happyness The Island Fido (hilarious Zombie movie) Pineapple Exress* (Bromance) Law Abiding Citizen That I saw already mentioned: Black Swan (no love/interest of ballet required, it's a great film) The Truman Show* Memento Total Recall Natural Born Killers Perfume: The Story of a Murderer Cube trilogy K-Pax Highlander* Dark City 1998 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind* Fight Club Twelve Monkeys A Clockwork Orange* Waking Life* Into the Wild Trainspotting Spun Seven Pounds Gran Torino* (This one made me cry  ) Shutter Island Inception* And if we go into TV: Breaking Bad* The Walking Dead* Dune & Children of Dune Miniseries' (follows the books much more closely, more in depth) One's on my list to see: The Adjustment Bureau Source Code Paul SuckerPunch Hanna Super 8 Iron Sky