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Zephyrco's Intro Options
#1 Posted : 5/17/2011 5:06:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 22-May-2011
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Hey everyone, I'm Zephyr, ive lurked these forums for a little while but have decided to become an active member of these amazing forums!

To be honest I am quite inexperienced with DMT at this point in my life. I am in university right now, and have been using various illicit substances since I was 13. I experienced the magic of psychedelics at the age of 15, and from about that point on I have found that psychedelic substances, the culture and activity surrounding them, and the experiences are some of the most important aspects of my life. I have extensive experience with numerous psychedelic drugs; countless LSD and mushroom trips, a few mescaline experiences, many experiences with 2c-x compounds, many experiences with synthetic tryptamines, etc. However, although it has been available to me many times, I have always feared/respected the power and lore around DMT.

But mountain climbers need new mountains to climb. Out of curiosity I started reading various literature regarding DMT, from The Spirit Molecule to simple forum postings such as the ones on this site and Bluelight. Eventually I became determined to experience DMT for myself and decided to perform an extraction. First attempt produced some nice white fluffy crystals; first real attempt smoking it took me to a whole new world that was alien in every sense of the word, although I do not believe that I "brokethrough" as others describe it.

I am here to contribute what I can, learn as much as I can, gain confidence in both my extraction technique (which I believe has room for improvement as far as yields go) and the consumption of DMT (I get pretty nervous thinking about doing it again, although I really want to).

I do not seek any specific knowledge or some concept-based "enlightenment" from psychedelic/DMT use. If anything, I have learned that the vary concept that there is something to be enlightened of is the greatest barrier to truly experiencing the Mind/Reality/Now/X. It is in this sense that I pursue DMT. I simply want to dive deeper in the ocean of Experience and awe at its profundity.

If you got this far thanks for reading this!


PS: I promise I will not use "S.W.I.M." in my posts.
Mind is Buddha

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/17/2011 8:20:02 AM

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I like a lot your intro essay Smile Congrats on your success with extracting (and big ups for taking the initiative to doing it). How did you extract, A/B, STB, with or without wash/re-x, freeze or evap etc? Personally I like a lot the extractions that use limonene as the non-polar solvent, and salting with fumaric acid. Check BLAB for example, I feel yields are really excellent when extracting like this, and I appreciate the fact that DMT fumarates store good, can be consumed orally and can be converted to white freebase crystals easily.

As for getting nervous/apprehensive about smoking DMT, thats completely normal, and a good sign (if its not an extreme panic I guess), because it shows respect. Even after years of first having tried DMT I still get this apprehensiveness before smoking it again. There are a few things one can do to help, one of them is to first smoke a small dose to remember a bit and get somehow used to the body effects, wait a few minutes sitting down, breathing slowly and focusing intentions, and then truely going for it. Also I like taking small-mid doses of shrooms and smoking on top, there is a fantastic synergy and the mushrooms are a great platform to launch from and to come back to, easier for integration and so on. In any case, remember there is no rush to doing it again, do it when you feel right Smile The first year or so of DMT use I would do it a few times, but nowadays its much more rare.

One thing I was wondering, what is your smoking method? Also what kind of setting do you smoke it in?

So another thing I realy really liked about your essay is what you said about enlightenment. I completely agree, and I think instead of searching for an end-state where all is perfect, we should rather appreciate the eternally changing process of life and try to do the best we can along the way, always trying to learn and improve ourselves and turn that back into the world.

Hope to read more from you soon! See ya!
#3 Posted : 5/17/2011 9:14:33 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Midwest
I used the noman's stb tek with modifications, such as using 1.5x amount of water and lye for powdered root bark (which i get from the toad), .5 ml of naphtha per pull, re-x instead of ammonium wash as a purification method. I combine naphtha pulls in a glass dish, use a hot plate and a fan to evaporate that about halfway, then freeze precipitate that out. I re-x if i have a yellow and/or waxy product. I take the filtered naphtha and use the hot plate/fan technique to evaporate the liquid, take the waxy yellow product and re-x as well. I have used pH strips to make sure I have correctly basified the base solution. At the end I am getting around .75% yield, but at least it is white and fluffy and not the crazy yellow stuff I have often seen at fests. I would like to get at least to 1% yield. I checked the BLAB. I am interested, but I have no interest in oral DMT at the moment, so I am a little turned off by having to fb the salt. Do you mostly use this tek for dmt freebase?

I tried making the machine, although issues began because I could not get a hennessy bottle (not legal age), so i improvised with a glass drill and a tobasco bottle. Big issue: steel wool IS NOT what the machine tek's mean! I got the steel wool from a hardware store and the shit burst into flames on me even though I was using it properly. Looking closer I realized that the machine requires these hardcore dishwashing scrubbing things that restaurant dishwashers need, but I could not find anywhere. I plan on getting one off the internet as soon as I can get a hennessy bottle, although it is hard to example to someone older why you need a single serving of hennessy without sounding like a crackhead.

So long story short I used a smaller bubbler with a bit of mint on the bottle, a big ole scoop of dmt (~33-75 mg), and more mint on top. Carefully applied heat, starting taking looongg big hits once i started tasting spice, and when i knew that i was about to be unable to do it again i just hit the pipe and used the lighter like one would trying to smoke as big of herb hit as they can. Shot into a hyperspeed psychedelic tunnel like a rocket guided by an unseen force which kept speeding up the experience while rapidly talking talking to me in english with an alien/insectoid-ish voice. This was an extremely intense moment, like when you are on massive roller coaster and are on the rapid decent. As soon as the thought-moment occurred that I was still in my room on my bed alone I opened my eyes (although I had no memory of closing them) only to seem my room in an array of psychedelic visuals. Gradually I came down from this moment.

I know that if I use the machine properly I will likely have an easier time consuming the vapors, although at the moment mint and spice in a pipe is what I have to work with.

I am glad you like what I said about enlightenment. Its unhealthy to think that psychedelic drugs can provide a better answer then one can get from a walk in the woods, if either could provide one anyway. One experiences some thought or feeling while tripping that is the absolutely greatest euphoria, knows it as enlightenment, but after that person comes down is simply left with a thought and not the feeling of peace they had; it is the feeling of peace and joy that is nirvana and not the thought that led to the feeling.

I remember my friend telling me once while tripping that he figured it out; if one is just totally at peace and happy they have instantly attained the goal of all spiritualities and philosophies without having to know anything. He told me one didn't even have to remember anything because if you come down and forget there was nothing to remember anyway. No joke 5 minutes later I asked him what he called his profound teaching he just gave me, and he looked at me and in all seriousness and a huge smile on his face he told me he had completely forgot our conversation.
Mind is Buddha
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