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Mimosahuasca seizures/convulsions ? Options
#1 Posted : 5/17/2011 6:44:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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i had a dream lastnight and this guy recently experienced "Mimosahausca" for the first time. It left him very confused about how it effected him. He prepared his brew by bowling roughly 10grams of mimosa in a pot mixed with distilled water and raised the ph with lemon juice he ingested around 1.5 grams of syrian rue.

well long story short he took the brew and it didnt effect him much he thought it was from the syrian rue so he took about 2 tablespoons of syrain rue this time and added anywhere between 15-25 grams of mimosa to the new batch of brew i know it was very irresponsible to "eye out a dose"
but he did not have a scale and he really wanted to experience the effects of the mimosa because he was in that "trip mood" he realized he was out of lemon juice so he added a table spoon and a half of apple cider vinegar to raise the PH of the brew after the effects of the second ingestion of the syrian rue which left him feeling like a small dose of dimenhydrinate a little yawny and slightly sleepy

he boiled down the brew and drank it.. it tasted like stomach vile and made his mouth pucker up like he was drinking pure lemon juice it wasn't as bad as the psychonaut community said it was but maybe that was just him.. about he was supprised to find that the brew kicked in in roughly 10 minutes after ingestion his first visuals were rippling and mandala looking designs on his ceiling he immediately felt extreme nausea
he heard his stomach digesting the brew and he projectile vomited so hard that his groin hurt and he went slightly deaf
he closed his eyes and could feel an intense energy surge all around him the whole room had a buzzing and blue energy around it he could feel that he was in for a ride that he was not ready for

things got intense to the point where all he could do is lean his head on the trashcan his mind was still there were no thoughts in his mind it was a very deep interesting meditation like feeling he was seeing slight fractals and could feel burst of energy coming from everywhere it got to the point where it was to much so he went to the bathroom to take a shower (it seems that showers do the trick for intense trips for him) he could barley make it to the restroom when he got there it was very hard to walk and his motor skills were very effected and hard to control
his arms he turned on the faucet he quickly realized he could not attempt to take a shower because his visuals were so intense and his discordination made it almost impossible to stand up so he decided to take a bath it was very hard to tell the tempature of the water it was like his senses were delayed after the temp was finally right he stepped into the bathtub and sat down

the faucet was very errie and alienating the sound it made was echoing to infinity and it was in a constant loop, he couldn't open his eyes he just sat in the tub and let the water run the visuals he was experiencing kept getting more and more intense seeing snakes making patterns
this whole time he was very scared/paranoid and feared for his life he kept having "blackouts" almost like "nods" from a very strong opiate which is weird because his nose was itchy like he was on an opiate things got even more intense he blacked out and hit the back of his head on the tub
as he awoke the water was turning into waves that looked so high and would move the materialisticness of the tub with them he shut the water off and as he came back the tracers of his arms turned turned into more arms like shiva (the hindu goddess with 8 arms)

as he fell back into the tub he was going in and out of conscienceness and could here all kinds of sounds and could even hear the music playing from his room out of the headphones his senses were mixing and greatly increased every time he thought he was done on a plateau it only got more intense as he managed to get up and dry off he made it into his room to lie down he was cold and shaking he ask "aya" for forgiveness and he was sorry for taking this brew and he was very sacred and just kept repeating sorry sorry sorry he began having very strong hallucinations to the point where his eyes were uncontrollably moving around the room it reminded him of a strong dose of molly when your eyes start jiggling but they were jumping all over

the began sitting in the fetal position and began moving all over rubbing his body it was completely involuntary he began going back into the fetal position and rocking back in fourth and kept blacking out he awoke shaking back and fourth which he thought was a convulsion he put a blanket in between his teeth because he didn't want to bite his tounge or break his teeth he was seriously considering going to the emergency room but he has been threw very bad trips before and bad experiences so he just rode it out he finally stopped fighting and gave up

he let "aya" have him he accepted death as soon as he did he seen a spirit it was more like a mother a female made of light and she was holding him like a baby rocking him back and forth and she felt warm like the sun on a good day but it didnt feel like direct physical contact she told him "do you remember this? when you were a child? do you remember?" he smiled and she told him things are going to get more intense just accept it you cannot change it, it will eventually subside im going to leave now" he begged her to come back but she faded away things got very strange at this point he was seeing all sorts of patterns that are fuzzy at the moment because he didn't want to take them in

he remembers an elf-like entity that had dark skin but was made of a type of energy and he was working on the inside of him he heard strange "tool-like" sounds the elf was doing some kind of spiritual surgery and rewiring his insides it after he was done things got very clear headed he felt a sense of well being and a feeling that you get when you climb a mountain and look down on the world from the top he felt very accomplished he then was visited by "karen" a spirit guide and talked with her a while as she guided him threw the intense experience he also seen spirits that he had known that have passed away and had very personal emotional conversations with them that he will leave sacred.

anyways he was very confused about the "convulsions/ possible seizures" of his experience. thank you for reading about my dream i appreciate it feel free to leave comments i wanted to know if anyone else experienced these "convulsions" on mimosa. also he did take the MAOI diet very seriously but he only fasted for 12 hours maybe this is the problem? also im very confused about how long it lasted it was very intense but only peaked for 2 hours. sorry about the clusterfucked text and the misspelling btw - scoob
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#2 Posted : 5/17/2011 6:55:42 PM


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I would love to read your report and reply, but may I ask you break up the paragraphs a little bit? I find the block of text rather hard to follow. Thank you.
corpus callosum
#3 Posted : 5/17/2011 6:56:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Scooby-can you please break-up the wall of text youve posted as many Nexians will find it alot easier to read, and then respond too!Smile Thanks!!

You beat me to it House!!Wink
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#4 Posted : 5/17/2011 7:11:49 PM

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is this better ? Very happy
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"Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today."
#5 Posted : 5/17/2011 7:35:06 PM

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you took between 25-35g of mimosa. That's anywhere from 250mg-600mg of dmt! It's a massive dose man! That's what happens when you dose big. Beginners often underestimate the power of this stuff. You underestimated the mimosa, and overestimated the Syrian Rue. Typical rue dose is 3g, not 1.5g.

Next time, a properly prepared mimosa brew of 2g with 3g syrian rue should do you just fine.

Shaking may reduced by following the maoi diet, or fasting for a day. Shaking is normal on high doses. What really makes it worse is fear and confusion. Your mind can make it seem a lot worse than it is. As you said, when you accepted it, it wasn't as bad. The shaking is partially the result of increased serotonin levels. It's called clonus. However, if your dose is high enough, it becomes more and more difficult to control episodes of fear and episodes of shaking. On ayahuasca, both of those things seem to come in waves. One moment you're freaked out, then you realize everything is going to be ok, but then another wave of fear will hit and you lose your stability again.
#6 Posted : 5/17/2011 8:16:49 PM

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As Apoc notes, you took what might be considered an overdose of DMT. If I've understood correctly, you took 25-35 g MHRB, which could contain anywhere from 250-700 mg DMT. Note that most amazonian brews that have been chemically analyzed contain a mere 30 mg or so. Some people take more, but very few are foolhardy enough to take 500 mg!

That said, I think the more toxic effects you experienced can be attributed to the syrian rue. You say you took 2 tablespoons?! That's approximately 18 grams, and would contain somewhere in the range of 0.4 to 1.8 grams of alkaloids [Edit: from the comment in the next post, I take this to mean that the first "1.5 g" was in fact another tablespoon... meaning you in fact took nearly a whole ounce of rue seeds (yikes!) which could contain 0.6-2.7 grams of alkaloids] In addition to harmine and harmaline, the seeds also contain quinazoline alkaloids (vasicine and vasicinone) which are believed to be responsible for the more toxic feeling that large doses of syrian rue can produce. If you're really dead-set on taking extreme doses, at least extract the harmala alkaloids from the seeds (doing a Manske-style Hasenfratz precipitation to separate them from the vasicine and vasicinone).

Basically you took way too much rue combined with way too much MHRB. It's very possible that you took a gram of harmine and harmaline and a half a gram of DMT! I hope you are doing alright integrating the experience.

May I ask where you got these dosage recommendations? If it was anywhere on this site, that's something that we need to rectify from a harm-reduction standpoint. If it was from another site, I think we ought to consider petitioning them to remove the information or preface it with a highly visible disclaimer, as we did with the QT extraction tek hosted by erowid.
#7 Posted : 5/17/2011 8:52:42 PM

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wow thank you guys for the post i didnt know i took that much! i was googling it and i heard a recomended doses of mimosa would be around 10 grams but with my frustration of thinking i had gotten ripped off i over did the dose and i eyed it out as for the mesuring of the syrian rue i got that from an erowid trip report of someone saying that a tablespoon is around a gram and a half. what im wondering tho is what would you say is a good way to measure out dosages without a scale? because you know there are some people that are going to do this and i hope that what happened to me never happens to them.

as for the experience it left me very confused and nervous i don't know if ill ever do it again. It did teach me a lot about myself and what i need to improve on but at the same time it was very frightning and very scary
Anything I say on this forum is pure fiction. Nothing I say is true please don't take me seriously.

"Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today."
#8 Posted : 5/18/2011 8:43:12 AM

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I must say you are brave my friend. I drink monthly 1 cup of 3,5g peganum harmala tea and 1 cup of 8g mimosa. These quantities give a strong effect.
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#9 Posted : 5/18/2011 2:50:05 PM

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Scooby, i'm not your Auntie, but PLEASE tell "that guy" not to be so daft and irresponsible again.
-it's people that show disregard to these medicines that suffer, and ruin it for everyone else.Go on, give the newspapers the sensationalist headlines they need to finally finish it off for all of us....!!??
-Anyhow, i hope "that guy" has recovered,and above all LEARNT that these medicines deserve respect.And that we don't say this for nothing.Wink

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#10 Posted : 5/20/2011 8:18:37 PM

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When you ask about the convulsions/seizures, do you mean the ones that he had while he was having a bad time in the bathroom? Or did they still happen after he had let go of him to 'Aya'?

Seemed like a very difficult session but, he was craddled in the arms of 'Aya' after he had summoned her to help and forgive... so did she, she showed him what to remember to go through this.
I know the chamans of Peru brings the persons head to the ground when he panics, they also put a lot of importance into the purging, not only do people vomit, but they also purge the negative thinking that is inside.

-Did anyone else see him have seizures? If he was the only one to judge of his state and had the 'model' of the opiates seizures in mind, maybe the intense dose of DMT simulated this memory of a hardcore Heroin badtrip to tell him something about it.

Anyhow it seems that it was way too much Smile I hope he doesnt get these 'trip moods' too often.

Mucho love
'The beginning of science is... I don't know'
#11 Posted : 5/27/2011 10:20:35 AM

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De_Loused wrote:
When you ask about the convulsions/seizures, do you mean the ones that he had while he was having a bad time in the bathroom? Or did they still happen after he had let go of him to 'Aya'?

Seemed like a very difficult session but, he was craddled in the arms of 'Aya' after he had summoned her to help and forgive... so did she, she showed him what to remember to go through this.
I know the chamans of Peru brings the persons head to the ground when he panics, they also put a lot of importance into the purging, not only do people vomit, but they also purge the negative thinking that is inside.

-Did anyone else see him have seizures? If he was the only one to judge of his state and had the 'model' of the opiates seizures in mind, maybe the intense dose of DMT simulated this memory of a hardcore Heroin badtrip to tell him something about it.

Anyhow it seems that it was way too much Smile I hope he doesnt get these 'trip moods' too often.

Mucho love

No one seen him have seizures but the blacking out and body stiffness and then "waking" back up into uncontrollable body movements and no this was after the bathroom as he was laying down and yeah there was def an opiate feeling about it very odd
Anything I say on this forum is pure fiction. Nothing I say is true please don't take me seriously.

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