
I use words like 'spirit' carefully as these sort of words are all understood subjectively and like you say, some words have way too many associations attached to them which can sometimes distract from seeing the true ineffable nature of such things.
But i guess if im kicking it in a place like this, i wont need to have any reservations about using words like that as im sure many of us have first experience with attempting to at least understand the true nature of spirit or any type of universal life force.
And yes i agree, everything stems down to vibration and frequencies.
The view of 'spirit' will vary between peoples experiences of cultivating either a permanent, or at least a temporary vibrational-vantage-point.
I tried it once but i wasn't planning to and the harshness of the smoke caught me off guard so i didnt get much from it.
swim had a very brief but intense changa experience in a bong once but then didn't encounter any for a while after that.
Swim had some more changa a few weeks ago with a bong and had more of a breakthrough experience but it still felt as though it was under the potential threshold. Swim also plans to try some spice in the very near immediate future.
Not tried Aya. I would love to but i have a lot of respect for it and would only want to try it in a way as authentically close to an actual ceremony as possible...even if this was a solo ceremony out in the wild somewhere.
I understand changa is pretty much an evolutionary branch of aya but it seems from what i've learned, changa has more of a portable range of places for use. but i guess that's mainly because of the time duration.
you can view some of my 'art' here on the illustrations page: here :