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#1 Posted : 5/15/2011 6:52:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 14-May-2011
Last visit: 22-Jun-2011
Location: UK
Hello to you all!

I am completely new to the realms of DMT. I have heard of it before and was aware of it uses during REM sleep and that people used it for pleasure, but had never encountered it, or anybody who had. I have always been extremely curious about it and this curiosity has lead me here!Although my curiosity has spanned many years it has only been over the past 2 weeks that I have been researching all elements of DMT in-depth. Throughout this process have continuously ended up on this site, whether this was via a search engine or recommendation from another forum user, I am always here. So for this reason (and many others) I have decided to join my first online community in many many years.

I would consider myself to be an experienced user of psychedelics and feel DMT is the next logical step in my own personal journey into my sub-conscious! Reading through other users experiences/breakthroughs has definitely helped alleviate the normal apprehensions associated with first encounters of a new psychedelic – so thanks to all those who's posts I have read!

So far this site has built my fundamental understanding of DMT extraction and looks like it will complete the rest of the build! The absolute wealth of information and experience here is incredible and in time I hope to contribute to it. But for now, I'm afraid it will be lots of newbie questions from me Pleased.

At present (the more research I do the more I change my mind), my research has lead to believe that the
Vovin tek is best suited to my personal preferences and situation. I like the thoroughness of the tek and Vovin's determination to get a very pure final product. I still have a couple of more weeks of research to do before I even start (as I like to thoroughly understand any project I undertake), so the tek and methods I use may end up changing again.
While on the subject, does anyone have any experience with the Vovin tek and what tips would you give to a beginner?

Anyway, thank you reading this. I'm not sure if this is what was to be expected from me here – its more of a ramble about some vaguely related topics that entered my head while writing this, but hope its ok.

Hello again to everyone, I'm sure our paths will cross again soon

Peace and Love


Sorry for the really unimaginative user name! Although when I though of it, the lack of imagination made me laugh, so I used it!!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/16/2011 7:27:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Location: Jungle
Welcome to the Nexus! Smile

Regarding DMT and sleep, there is no proof of that, its just speculation with no evidence ( https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...es_DMT_do_in_the_body.3F )

In any case do not worry about "asking newbie questions", we are all newbs in some things and experts in another. Also all those that do know a lot about psychedelics once didnt, so we are very willing to help others out Smile What is very important though is that you do a minimum amount of research before asking questions (so for example reading the FAQ and the Wiki in general, as well as exploring the forum), and whatever you cant find answer to or dont understand, feel free to ask Smile

Vovin's tek is a great read to understand some of the processes. In any case I suggest reading a few other teks to get an overal idea of different possibilities (for example BLAB, Noman's tek, Amor Fati). The one thing I would really change or not advice about vovin's tek is the defatting. Personally I think defatting process is very wasteful (a lot of solvent used and thrown away to take away a bit of plant oil which mimosa doesnt have much of). I think its better to skip that, and if end product isnt perfectly clean as you want, you can always recrystallize, which is an awesomely effective (and beautiful) process that uses a tiny bit of solvent only.

Are you also interested in oral dmt? Also, can you give a bit of an overview on your experience with other psychedelics?

See you around Smile
#3 Posted : 5/16/2011 9:37:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: UK
Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate your comments.
I've been reading about the de-fatting process for the last few days and I have encountered others stating it is a out-dated wasteful technique, but then when I come to terms with this I read someone saying it is good for purity - arrgghhh!!
But after your comments and reading the suggested teks I have decided not to use a de-fatting step and now need to decide what tek to use. This is great as naptha is one of my most expensive items and a lot of time will be saved.

I'm definitely leaning towards an A/B extraction at the moment but am also continually changing my mind. So any advice and experience you are prepared to share would be great.

Marsfold's tek seems like another reasonable option, as all the apparatus etc are readily available for me. Quick question on this – can the sodium carbonate wash used in vovins tek be added to the marsfold tek, just before the freezing? With my limited knowledge I cant think of any reason why not, but would appreciate any advice.

Thank you in advance.
Peace and Love
#4 Posted : 5/16/2011 9:53:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Yes you can do the sodium carb. I know you are just starting your extraction endeavors, and slowly you'll get the hang of it, no rush, but I'd like to mention that teks arent rigid set of instructions, they just give a general outline, what is important is that you understand why each step is being used. So yeah, the solvent full of dmt in mars tek is just the same as solvent full of dmt in vovins tek, and sodium carb wash will work perfect either way Smile

Regarding defat and purity, just for illustration, let me invent some arbitrary numbers as an example. Lets say for each 200ml of naphtha used in defat, you take out 1g of impurity out. And the all of that solvent has to be throw away. So lets say if you did everything right + defat, yeah it is helping making it purer, but lets say at the same time 30ml of naphtha in a recrystallization will also get rid of 1g of impurities, + the naphtha can be reused, its not thrown away. The numbers were just invented now but you get the idea, even if after freezing or evapping your solvent your product is not very pure, with a recrystallization you can get it pure very effectively. Do avoid defatting, your wallet and mother earth will thank you Very happy

Good luck with your extractions, remember never throw anything away before you have your final yield, because dmt doesnt dissapear so if something goes wrong it can always be saved. Smile
#5 Posted : 5/17/2011 5:35:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 14-May-2011
Last visit: 22-Jun-2011
Location: UK

Thank you for your comments.

I'm going to try and produce my own tek/a combination of other people's techniques, and see how i get on. Once complete I shall post it in a more relevant forum topic for everyone's feedback - your comments will be most welcome.

I think I have some more questions, but I am going to have a look round the forum and wiki to see if the answers are already here.

Thank you again for your assistance. Off to get my ass kicked at BJJ now, so will post later Smile

Peace and Love
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