Hi Friends,
Nice to join a community with so much to-the-point info. I've been reading forum posts for a while now, reckon it's time I start posting

I'm relatively new to the world of DMT, but with my recent opening of the mind's eye I'm very much drawn to it. I've only tried it once (mimosa & rue aya) and absolutely loved it. It even seemed like it might be 'The' psychedelic. Perhaps something to do with the facts it's naturally present in the human brain? I loved the clarity of thought and the amount of mental stimulation it gave me. In this respect it was more like LSD than cactus tea which would be my main types of soul food thus far. For almost a year now I've been using psychedelics every chance I get (nearly every weekend) as a tool for personal growth and evolution of the mind. I don't see them as drugs at all anymore, but nature's most sacred gift to man.
Joining because I'd like to learn more on use, preparation and extractions of various plants and give any advice I can to other seedlings

At the moment I've got some Chaliponga and Cappi, planning to go sailing the weekend after next. Any advice on reducing nausea? It was a little persistent with mimosa. Or is this the wrong place to ask?