I dont know how to start this introduction but here we go !!!
I`m 26 years old !
I was born in Brazil, right now I live in California !
My journey started really early in Brazil.
My first love is weed, I love it so much I cant describe it . lol
I`ve done a lot of drugs but only psychedelics made sense to me.
I think my history starts like this :
I was in this private party in Brazil, on a killer island for only 200 people.
this party was amazing a lot of good Moroccan hash and really good lsd !
the reason why i`m only talking about this 2 drugs is because they were the only ones I had !
all the party was doing coke, there was so much coke in this party you guys wouldn't believe .
The funny thing was, the party had arrange a ayahuasca ritual with a real amazon shaman !!
At that time I was 19 years old I knew nothing about dmt or ayahuasca !
The shaman was going crazy afraid he couldn't perform his ritual because theres no one to participate ! since they were all high on coke
So since I was the only one who wasn't doing coke.....and I was a vegetarian at the time !
He came and asked me to be initialized into the ritual !!!! I was fucking scared, at first I didn't want to do it !
but he convinced me to .
It was amazing guys, my life changed so much since this day !
The experience I had I should write it some other post ! and I will
But since that day I felt in love for the whole thing ! it was a very spiritual experience for me !
I had a chance to get some really good DMT in amsterdam once which it was the best experience I ever had !
Now a days I grow weed in CA for medical patients and I dont know anyone here !
I`m here for 2 years now and I`m happy for everything but I`m so sad for not being around all this experience that I had !
I have been studying a lot how to extract dmt from mimosa hostilis. and I just did my first extraction !
I`m still waiting to be done !
hope all comes out well !
this is a killer community and I hope to be a positive part of it !
sorry for my english !!!
think positive and love always
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(486kb) downloaded 63 time(s).