I've had similar experiences to you in the past.
I once saw my girlfriend as a blue skinned 'goddess' or some kind of divine prescence. this was during a k-hole though (which happen to be quite psychedelic for me, more so than a lot of other people's described experiences with it ) she also had a 'purging' experience during that particular time which she had never have and was desperately trying to clear her throat which she eventually managed and she saw the released stagnant energy
I think these natural /naturally enhanced 'tools' do help in revealing the divine nature of everything. and the intertwined echoes of your own energy/life force's previous manifestations.
Some people who are still projecting from the ego will obviously take these experiences in the wrong light for a duration of time.
For me personally, dreams have been the biggest key in revealing potential past lives...
I'm fairly sure my most recent past life was a young girl called 'Anne', and another was some type of tribes-man / hunter gatherer in some sort of amazon-esqe location. both of these were presented in very notable dreams/visions from around a year or 2 ago.
I think ultimately, we can learn from our (recent) past lives, about some of the behavioral tendencies and inclinations we have in this life and how best to release yourself from them, and in turn , return help move towards the original infinite and divine nature of ourselves.