Hello to you all!
I am completely new to the realms of DMT. I have heard of it before and was aware of it uses during REM sleep and that people used it for pleasure, but had never encountered it, or anybody who had. I have always been extremely curious about it and this curiosity has lead me here!Although my curiosity has spanned many years it has only been over the past 2 weeks that I have been researching all elements of DMT in-depth. Throughout this process have continuously ended up on this site, whether this was via a search engine or recommendation from another forum user, I am always here. So for this reason (and many others) I have decided to join my first online community in many many years.
I would consider myself to be an experienced user of psychedelics and feel DMT is the next logical step in my own personal journey into my sub-conscious! Reading through other users experiences/breakthroughs has definitely helped alleviate the normal apprehensions associated with first encounters of a new psychedelic – so thanks to all those who's posts I have read!
So far this site has built my fundamental understanding of DMT extraction and looks like it will complete the rest of the build! The absolute wealth of information and experience here is incredible and in time I hope to contribute to it. But for now, I'm afraid it will be lots of newbie questions from me

At present (the more research I do the more I change my mind), my research has lead to believe that the
Vovin tek is best suited to my personal preferences and situation. I like the thoroughness of the tek and Vovin's determination to get a very pure final product. I still have a couple of more weeks of research to do before I even start (as I like to thoroughly understand any project I undertake), so the tek and methods I use may end up changing again.
While on the subject, does anyone have any experience with the Vovin tek and what tips would you give to a beginner?
Anyway, thank you reading this. I'm not sure if this is what was to be expected from me here – its more of a ramble about some vaguely related topics that entered my head while writing this, but hope its ok.
Hello again to everyone, I'm sure our paths will cross again soon
Peace and Love
Sorry for the really unimaginative user name! Although when I though of it, the lack of imagination made me laugh, so I used it!!