Serena Kali Devi
Posts: 12 Joined: 26-Apr-2011 Last visit: 07-Aug-2012 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
To explain a DTM experience to the inexperienced is inadequate understanding for the curious. Not even the most detailed explanation of a trip can do the justice for one to understand. Even between the experienced, verbal explanations are mere. However, we telepathically seem to understand each other by knowing we have shared similar spiritual breakthroughs. With other drugs (ex: LSD, mushrooms, etc), your visuals are a ocular hallucination of reality, a distortion of whats really there. From my recent DMT experience, I now strongly believe that this "spirit molecule" is no hallucination, but portal to a place that exists far beyond our own physical world. If you've been there, you know just how real that place is. I joined this forum because I would like to share my experience with people who understand and can possibly relate to me. And so I can understand and learn from others as well. I hope I can soon share my detailed experience and meeting of goddess Kali in the "DMT Experiences" thread. I am excited, also honored to begin posting and sharing with all you beautiful people <3 -Serena, The Kali Dreamer:.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
Dear Kali Dreamer, welcome to the nexus. Feel free to post your experience in the nursery section for experience reports. Once you get promoted you can ask it to be moved to a more appropriate subforum. I can see how a dmt experience can seem very real, but I do (and I think many others here do too) encourage a more integral approach to what you experienced. There's a few threads on the ontology of hyperspace, discussing whether it's real or if it's important to answer this question etc (I'm sure someone can link you to it). I find it is helpful to look at the experiences from all possible angles and see what each of these possibilities means to me, what I can draw from them, how I can create a greater context out of them, how I can grow from them. I personally try to suspend beliefs as much as possible and just take in as much as I can, reflecting kaleidoscopically upon every trip I have, using whatever imaginative, creative, analytical and spiritual facilities I have to divulge and investigate myself and the cosmic context I find myself in. I strive for radical openness, even though I know I'm far from it... but this kind of excludes any firm beliefs. It includes spontaneous adaptation to any arising possibility to view the experiences IMO, but not settling for any. What do you draw from your experiences? How do you take dmt? vape, aya, pharma? If you believe that dmt opens a portal to another place, how do you explain this in physical/scientific terms? How is consciousness able to travel to this other place and what does this imply for the nature of consciousness and matter and their relationship? much love Enoon Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12340 Joined: 12-Nov-2008 Last visit: 02-Apr-2023 Location: pacific
"With other drugs (ex: LSD, mushrooms, etc), your visuals are a ocular hallucination of reality, a distortion of whats really there." Well, not really IMO. DMT and mushrooms are both so similar they are basically the same trip in my experience at the proper dose. Mushrooms and LSD aren't so similar I dont find. Long live the unwoke.
 Serena Kali Devi
Posts: 12 Joined: 26-Apr-2011 Last visit: 07-Aug-2012 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Enoon wrote:Dear Kali Dreamer,
welcome to the nexus. Feel free to post your experience in the nursery section for experience reports. Once you get promoted you can ask it to be moved to a more appropriate subforum.
I can see how a dmt experience can seem very real, but I do (and I think many others here do too) encourage a more integral approach to what you experienced. There's a few threads on the ontology of hyperspace, discussing whether it's real or if it's important to answer this question etc (I'm sure someone can link you to it). I find it is helpful to look at the experiences from all possible angles and see what each of these possibilities means to me, what I can draw from them, how I can create a greater context out of them, how I can grow from them. I personally try to suspend beliefs as much as possible and just take in as much as I can, reflecting kaleidoscopically upon every trip I have, using whatever imaginative, creative, analytical and spiritual facilities I have to divulge and investigate myself and the cosmic context I find myself in.
I strive for radical openness, even though I know I'm far from it... but this kind of excludes any firm beliefs. It includes spontaneous adaptation to any arising possibility to view the experiences IMO, but not settling for any.
What do you draw from your experiences? How do you take dmt? vape, aya, pharma? If you believe that dmt opens a portal to another place, how do you explain this in physical/scientific terms? How is consciousness able to travel to this other place and what does this imply for the nature of consciousness and matter and their relationship?
much love Enoon Ive been egar to post once again but the site had been down since my first post. Thank you for your reply Enoon. I appreciate the way you challenge and question me to help me better understand my experience. I do know that I took a mind altering substance and that this dmt world may be just a figment of my imagination, a hallucination. This other "dimension", real or not, either way, my experience was true. Days have passed since my trip and I have had a lot time to reflect. Im not sure what happened exactly. Maybe my soul was lifted out of my body and taken to another world? Maybe my third eye allowed myself to see a realm of life all around our everyday existence, not visible to the physical eye? Maybe its a world exists only in my mind? Or maybe I was just fkn trippen! hahaha. But either way, whatever it is, whether it was real or not, what I experienced was meaningful and true.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
Kali Dreamer wrote: Maybe my soul was lifted out of my body and taken to another world? Maybe my third eye allowed myself to see a realm of life all around our everyday existence, not visible to the physical eye? Maybe its a world exists only in my mind? Or maybe I was just fkn trippen! hahaha. But either way, whatever it is, whether it was real or not, what I experienced was meaningful and true. I love the fact that dmt inspires these questions. It makes the world such a more interesting and vast place. The world, or our minds... It's just amazing what we can experience. You say your experience was meaningful. I'm interested in hearing about your method of integration. What do you DO with experiences, how do you process them to make them meaningful, rather than leaving them remain just a memory/experience? Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
 Serena Kali Devi
Posts: 12 Joined: 26-Apr-2011 Last visit: 07-Aug-2012 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Enoon wrote: I love the fact that dmt inspires these questions. It makes the world such a more interesting and vast place. The world, or our minds... It's just amazing what we can experience.
You say your experience was meaningful. I'm interested in hearing about your method of integration. What do you DO with experiences, how do you process them to make them meaningful, rather than leaving them remain just a memory/experience?
What made my experience so meaningful was timing. This point in time of my life was the perfect time for me. A time of change, and this experience helped me make the change I needed. I could go more in depth with what these changes were, but I don't think talking about my personal life would make a difference. But to simply say, I am SO thankful for positive change, I'm sure you all can relate one way or another... I am still discovering what more I can 'do' with my experience, so I shall keep you updated 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 410 Joined: 23-Apr-2011 Last visit: 13-Jul-2024 Location: Texas
A lot of people here take the "practical" approach to the reality DMT can bestow upon it's explorers. Chalking it up to just neurochemistry is definitely the first part of the experience you have to accept, but in accepting that fact, one must also accept that tactile experience is just that, neurochemistry. Does it mean that apple you just bit into doesn't have a taste? Of course it doesn't. Is it necessary for one to not be caught up in love or friendship because the feelings associated with both are results of experience and neurochemistry? I think not. The fact that almost everything we experience is drug induced, needs to be recognized, even if they are endogenous. If endogenous compounds play a role in the way we think, perceive, or feel about something, and we accept that as "reality," why can't compounds found in nature possibly show us truths in "unreality." βThe most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.β