DMT has surely helped to open my mind up to new levels. Its a constant reminder that the only thing I know is that I know nothing. Yet I have the capacity to understand anything "I" put my heart to, simply because we construct our "reality" and view of the world. There is one ultimate Truth, and everyone thinks they know it. The ultimate truth is that we create the Truth, as the Truth creates us. Only when we are honest with ourselves can we put our views to the test. Lies destroy us, as evident by the propaganda used by powers in control in order to do whats actually natural, maintain their way of life and views/beliefs. Its quite unfortunate when the Truth is ignored and even worse manipulated to half-truth agenda.
All of humanity walking the planet at this moment has DMT in their bodies, and the correlation to the Tibetan Book of The Dead and the spirit entering the body the same time the genetics activate which starts the process of forming the sex of the baby, could be coincidence. The most likely explanation is the ancients had knowledge of chemistry like we do, then a possible natural disaster or most likely control of information ensued in order to enslave us. Education is vital, but that education should teach people to learn, not just teach them trivial facts. We can't forget the burning of the Library in Alexandria and our lost knowledge as a species.
But then again, its my belief that the knowledge of the world around us is already a part of us, just waiting to intimately introduced. I see the universe as an ocean of energy, condensing that energy into individual raindrops of life, made of the same things as everything else, bound by the same laws as everything else(gravity, etc). The moment that energy condenses is like the moment the raindrop forms. The rate of acceleration due to gravity is the same for all things, for all raindrops. Thats like the moment were born, we start accelerating through time at a constant rate, yet each year moves faster from the subjective perspective. The longer the raindrop falls, the faster it goes. The raindrop is made of the same thing as the ocean, and the moment it is born it stares at where it came from falling ever faster towards it. So are we falling back to the universe. I believe in death we return to the one soul from which all beings known as HUMAN come from. We are all the same being.
But then again, none of that is probably true either. DMT has shown me that things are much more than they seem, but I don't take the DMT experience as too much more than an experience. One that can produce great insight into personal issues, and at times take you back to that ocean as a reminder that all will be alrite, as long as we channel the energy inside of us to stand up for what is true, and to motivate others to simply do as Socrates. ASK QUESTIONS
Peace Love Light Harmony
Drew aka Mr Blue (YOMIND)
Reality objective is merely a collective of the subjective perspective ~Mr Blue