Hello everyone,
I am trying to avoid as many risk as i can ....in fact i am gonna take Ayhauasca after a 4 days maditation reatret in which i am going to fast for 2 days.....after that I will come back home, keep fasting, cook and drink my tea.
I suppose is a better solution rather then worry about what i eat or drink, also i am positive that in this way the experience would be more powerful.
I read in Amazon they do the same: they starve themself before drink the tea.
I had a look on the Ayauasca forum and i found very valuable data. I thought about what should be the best way to prepare myself and suddenly i had this vision of Indios getting ready to drink Ayhauasca by reading a thick book
I found it very funny! I suppose they do prepare psychologically more then intellectually, therefore I am not certain that i should inform myself too much.
Knowledge is always important but I don't want to fill my mind with too many details. I don't want to have too many expectations or to be too afraid of DMT experience.
From my personal experience i can say for sure that my mind is quite reactive to entheogenic, even with a small amount.
I would try to go with the flow and allow the experience to happend as it comes, nevertheless proseeding with caution.
Letting go the ego isn't an easy task but i think is the only way to develop a true love and open up the heart.
7 years ago psylocibe showed the non-duality of the phenomena throught the dissolution of my ego. It is being very painful and scared but it heleped me to turn my life in more meaningful way. I feel like it's time of a little pushing again
I am looking for guidance, it will be always, in every situation someone who has more experience then me and who could kindly tell me the right knack......therefore i shall thank all of u for yr suggestion.I ll take care of it!!
I may have a different view from a coulpe of thing that u said, i wish i had enough time to go deeper in it (i love philosophy , i don't have a big knoledge of it but i like very much to debate and exange opinions
) but unfortunately in this moment of my life i am lack of time, therefore i shall go straight to the point and ask the questions that i need to ask....
I deeply appriacite anything u may consider helpful and u may think i should know.
I am sharing the house with many people but i have my room in which i feel protect, how much the noise of other people can effect the trip?
Do u reckon is better do it day or night time?
A day off after the experience is a good idea?
Is it enough?
Is my body going to be asleep? And so forth....
Many thanks for yr time
I wish u a good night!