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Spiritual Encounter With the Ball Of Light Options
#1 Posted : 11/4/2008 1:24:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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My first experiences with DMT go back about 3 and a half years now, but i thought they may still be worthy of posting as i'm interested in hearing if anyone can relate to them or have had similar experiences. Compared to my last three journeys into the DMT realm, my first few experiences are probably not worth noting, so i'll just keep them short.

EXPERIENCE 1: OEV - Very mild viuals. Smoked a small amount of DMT on top of about half a cone of weed. Felt a little strange and noted that as i moved my hands around before me, they looked kinda different, almost as though they were not mine. Nothing spectacular, but interesting all the same.

EXPERIENCE 2: CEV - Being my first acual semi-proper experience, i'm kind of vague on it, as i think i blocked things out in order to deal with what was happenening. No real blast off that i can remember, but i found myself in a place which i didn't recognise. It was basically an expansive dark world where i found myself being examined in some sort of way by some kind of overhead machine which felt as though it was scanning me and making some sort of adjustment to my body. I could visually see the machine, while at other times i just knew it was there. As it scanned me it was like i was in two places at once. Although i was lying under it, i was also viewing it from a distance. I felt the presence of some sort of being or entity working the machine, but could not see it. Being a while back now, i can't remember whether my next memory was actually from a 3rd experience, or just part of this one but it was also the bit that sparked my interest in DMT and the possible reality that what i was experiencing was in fact no less real than the world in which we live...I remember being in front of this large ring which is hard to describe. It was almost like the portal in the TV show STARGATE, which i know sounds kind of retarded, but it it was like an outer ring with an inner ring as a border, if that makes sense, and it spun in a clockwise direction. Within this border were 12 smaller spiral circles which also spun in a clockwise direction. After returning back to reality, i was excited to tell my friend (who introduced me to the spice), of this strange ring i had seen, and how i almost felt as though it was some kind of portal or something. The interesting bit is that before i could even begin to explain it to my mate, he stopped me and told me to get him a pen and some paper. He proceeded to draw for me exactly what i had seen....!
I was blown away. How could he possibly draw something that was supposedly just a hallucination? How could two people experience the same visual unless it was real? Looking back, i am not suprised. My mate and i are very alike in our interests and pursuits in life. The same ideas, beliefs, and interests make us tick, and on a few ocassions i have been thinking of something in particular only to have him walk over and be thinking on the same wavelength...eg: i was thinking i need to start surfing again, but i wanted a boat to access outer reefs...minutes later my friend walks over and asks me if i know anyone who is looking for a boat! This has happened multiple times. Does this seem strange to anyone that we are similar people, share similar thoughts, and have both seen the same visuals whilst on DMT?


EXPERIENCE 3: CEV - MY FIRST BLAST OFF!....After my last experience, i became deeply interested in the possibilities that other dimensions or realms may in fact exist. It has always been something i have believed in, but now it seemed that there was proof. I began lightly researching SHARMANISM and believed that it may be possible that within this realm, there may exist intelligent beings or entities with which contact may be made, and possibly answers found...With this in mind, i prepared myself for my next journey by basically choosing to be totally open minded to whatever i may find. To remember that it was just a journey, and i would return unharmed, hopefully with a little more insight...My goal was to hold a question in my mind, and take that question with me on my journey. The question being; 'What is in store for me in the future?'....

BLAST OFF - With my goal in mind, and feeling really relaxed about what lay ahead, i packed half a cone of weed, and filled the other half with DMT. I smoked it as slow as i could, and lay back, closing my eyes. As it came on, i could feel myself leaving my body. I began to slowly float upwards as though floating up and through my roof. My eyes were closed and above me a wall appeared. It was made of what looked like cells, green and slowly pulsating. I felt myself float back to consiousness immediately. It was not enough to break through. My mate, being the quick thinker, packed me a FUCKING HUGE cone of DMT and quickly handed it to me. I smoked it, taking in as much as i could, and holding it until it spewed forth in one large choking cough. At the same time, i fell back into a lying position and felt myself rocket at the speed of light through the wall which i had floated towards less than a minute ago...I still had my question in mind as a large booming voice told me "DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS" The voice was not spoken, but more communicated...At this same time, the green celluar shapes which made up the wall above me transformed into a matrix of shapes resembling skulls, and torn open as i passed through it. Everything was happenenig so fast as i passed through some sort of tunnel or wormhole at hyper-speed...Next, i found myself leaving the tunnels and passing through an enterance as to some sort of cavern. The enterance was guarded on either side by these statuesque looking creatures which appeared to be half monkey and half wolf. As i passed them, my limbs were torn from my body by these creatures. Funnily, this didn't seem to bother me. I felt no pain nor fear. I was now inside this cavern which was made of red burning rock, the ground a pool of bubbling molten lava. It struck me that this may be hell? I watched from the cave enterance as i saw what i believed was myself, floating above the lava, black and charcoaled. I then disintergrated into dust...It was at this stage that some kind of being or entity told me telepathically "Do not try to remember all this...It is too much", and i remember feeling that i may fry my brain if i did not heed it's warning. Again i blasted off through the tunnels. This time possibly faster than before. My memory here becomes a little vague. When i try to think about it now, it feels like i have all this stuff which i experienced inside me, but cannot access it. As soon as i remember this part of my journey it disappears, but what i do remember is feeling as though i had just witnessed everything which exists. Every creation, every creature, every emotion. EVERYTHING. I remember in particular seeing many galaxies from a distance, which appeared to form spirals visuals. Then it was over, and i found myself in yet another strange place. It was as though i was sitting among the stars in the middle of space, and this is where i had my first real communication with some sort of being or entity. Everything was quiet and relaxed now and i remember feeling really peaceful and comfortable with where i was. Although i could feel a presence, i could not focus on it. As soon as i saw it, it would move. It was like a small ball of white light and it began to communicate with me telepathically, telling me that there were things i needed to change in my life. I guess my question was being answered, not by telling me what WOULD happen over the next year, but instead, what NEEDED to happen...At the time, i was on yet another prescription for depression and smoking a shitload of weed. It told me that i needed to stop taking anti-depressants, and stop smoking weed, and instead, spend more time with my mother, for she was the "ultimate source" of happiness. At this point, a hologram or visual of my mother appeared before me, and through her upper body, a large white light pierced through her, where her heart was. I thanked the being, and said that i would do all of these things, and began to fade away from it, but still found myself for a period of time trapped between the stars. I couldn't seem to come back...I then felt myself being drawn back towards where i had just been, and the being returned and made me understand that it was not enough to just 'say' that i would do these things, but i actually had to 'mean' it...Once i understood this, i felt myself fading away again, and then remeber opening my eyes and realising i was back to reality.....I WAS BLOWN AWAY! I quickly phoned my mate, who i actually remember hearing leave as my journey began, and he told me that it had been just over half and hour since i'd began my journey....That experience changed me and i felt as though it was really cleansing and spiritual. I felt as though it had put me back on a path from which i had strayed many years before, putting me back in sync with who i really am and in a way waking me up....Has anyone experienced anything like this before. Any comments will be much appreciated...Over the next few days i will post my last two recent experiences which once again blew me away, but at the same time were also very different.... Thanks....
i am a compulsive liar with psycotic tendencies and nothing i say should be believed

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#2 Posted : 11/4/2008 3:04:55 PM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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wwooww !
#3 Posted : 11/4/2008 4:08:59 PM

The Great Namah

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Spice does change people. It can show them a path to follow, how to better themselves. While I have not had quite the same experience I have been shown that I need to take better care of myself, and how to do it.

I have been forced to look at how my actions affect others, and why that matters.

The Spice is a powerful tool. Whether you believe it opens the doorway to another dimension with spiritual entities, or whether you believe it opens your mind to its subconcious, doesn't really matter. As long as you believe that it can help you it will. As long as you treat it with respect it will reward you will great insight at times, and at times will just be a fun experience.

It is a powerful and sacred key to use responsibly.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 11/8/2008 3:23:56 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow! Thanks for sharing, that was a great read.
#5 Posted : 11/11/2008 11:31:08 AM

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Thanks Mardybum...Still not much feedback on whether others have shared similar experiences. A lot of ppl seem to just have fun/crazy little journeys. Makes me wonder why mine all seem to have some purpose to them. Also wondering how the extraction on longifolia went?

Thanks also to Acolon_5 for the input. I meant to reply earlier but thought i would get around to posting my other experience first. I know what you mean when you say you have been shown how to better your life and shown why your actions affect others. I agree, SPICE is a great tool when used responsibly. Cant wait for my next journey.
i am a compulsive liar with psycotic tendencies and nothing i say should be believed
#6 Posted : 4/21/2009 5:53:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Can't wait for next journey! Been dreaming of it heaps recently...
i am a compulsive liar with psycotic tendencies and nothing i say should be believed
#7 Posted : 4/21/2009 4:37:28 PM

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I have seen a ball of light before. It was during my first breakthrough, which i barley remember. At the time I was teaching some one who I didn't like very much, but felt that he could benefit from the spice, how to make it. I was floating above a distant plant, that had green land masses, but the water was the most brilliant sparkling purple. I was in orbit for what felt like hours, and I could zoom in on the planet and see specific details as if my eyes were telescopes. After a while of that a giant ball of energy came up to me and told me not to teach the homeless man how to fish. I took it as the spirit of DMT did not want to be introduced to the dude i was teaching. Needless to say I stopped teaching him half way though. He wasn't too happy, but I knew it was for the best.

DMT has changed my life for the better. It has helped me stop smoking (I smoke weed like its tobacco, daily, and I use tobacco once in a while to help me relax) and it has given me a much more down-to-earth perspective on social situations.

Love the spice, Live the spice.
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#8 Posted : 4/21/2009 8:14:28 PM

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I recall a scene from the movie The Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda where near the end of the mylar scenes there was this sphere, brought on by fascination as though all consciousness was alleviated onto this great "Ball of Light". We are the people of the sun. teh hehh..

If you haven't caught this film I feel it's very important.

Incredible insight el capitan, initial understanding of synchronized altered states is something I don't understand quite very well, but it does help to know someone who was there with you experienced the same thing that you have gone through yourself. It's strange how we can feel the same occurrences in conscientiousness to take into account the word of a friend or significant other... "Can you see it?" **eccentric**
In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. ~Baba Dioum
#9 Posted : 4/22/2009 3:47:05 AM

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Fatcat wrote:
After a while of that a giant ball of energy came up to me and told me not to teach the homeless man how to fish. I took it as the spirit of DMT did not want to be introduced to the dude i was teaching. Needlss to say I stopped teaching him half way though.

I had a similar experience, though i don't think i mentioned it... The ball of light told me not to give it (DMT) to anyone. For a while i was actually terrified to give it to anyone, knowing how strong its powers can be. It was like i was worried about the potential karmic effects of disobeying it, but finally gave out and shared some with a friend. These days however, it's something which is more of a personal thing for me, and although i may not understand the reasons why i shouldn't give it to anyone else, i have a greater respect for it's wishes, and keep it's use to myself...
i am a compulsive liar with psycotic tendencies and nothing i say should be believed
wake and bacon
#10 Posted : 4/23/2009 12:11:10 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Maybe the ball of light (your soul? your energy manifested?!) knows that those who you would give the spice to would not use it properly and would not benefit from it. Something to consider.

Or maybe it knows your friends are in the small portion who purge when smoking DMT Razz

Thanks Mardybum...Still not much feedback on whether others have shared similar experiences. A lot of ppl seem to just have fun/crazy little journeys. Makes me wonder why mine all seem to have some purpose to them.

Look around here my friend.... you will see that plenty, if not most, of the active members here, find (or receive!!) purpose in every DMT trip they have. I know I have.

They have purpose because you are delving deep, deep into self-exploration that is extremely hard to achieve without the use of entheogens. You find purpose because you HAVE purpose!!!

Happy travels.
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