About a month ago I made some spice with naptha and found some reddish goo type stuff mixed in with the crystals after freeze precipitating. It looked like jungle spice, so I assumed that is what it was. I proceeded to smoke some of it out of a water bong but felt an extremely unpleasent and cold, almost paralyzing feeling in my throat. I immediately coughed it up. I have smoked pure dmt before and it did not feel like this. I am just wondering if any one has experienced this feeling before? A few days after, I noticed that my gag reflux was severely reduced. This caused me to panic and go to the ER, and as I was driving there I noticed a very foul soapy taste in my mouth. I was concerned that maybe I had smoked some lye. Well the doctor found nothing, and just gave me a prescription for antacids because he thought it was reflux. The medicine did not help so I stopped taking it. I am still experiencing some strange symptoms like leg weakness, my left wrist feels like it has carpel tunnel, excess mucus, sore throat, weight loss, and chest pain (though not nearly as bad as it was). My symptoms went away for a while, but then I ate about an eighth of mushrooms and my symptoms came back. Could this all be panic related and not related to the dmt or do you think that the spice I smoked caused this? Thanks for listening, I'm just trying to find some answers right now.