barry123 wrote:I'm a fellow human with original thoughts, A seeker of truth like all on this site..
I believe that some race or thing put DMT on our planet to enable mans or human’s progression from the tree to the moon and beyond, everything we have developed from the first of us to consider climbing down from the tree,
All has been an advancement of our intellect, who ever placed DMT into (firstly) mushrooms and left it in a perfect place as a food source is obviously trying to advance or prepare us,
They have left something that brings wisdom and wonder that grabs the conscience and lets it through to another plane, to take back with it new ideas and visions of what is real and what is good.
They knew that it would advance our once primitive existence, to a higher state of society. And it did, unfortunately during our stampede through capitalism the wise or well read (at that time) did everything to eliminate our ancestors and your birthright as they still do today they have done everything to quash all memory of your true past and your futher advancment,
TV is control and they control it.. in order to keep us as sheep and lead us in the direction they feel benefits them the most. I like tv but not that rubbish that most of us look at each day,
Other then this site lots of others like it that portray your past and leave the door open for you to find your true self.
All else we see or listen to is mass media that is darkness been spread at the speed of light.(T Mc Kenna) I have always thought find the others seek the truth.
So happy to have found this site today and some of the others, , I feel i will be spending a lot of time here sharing information and getting some also .Bsm 24/04/2011.
Welcome to the site. It's always good to meet fellow seekers.
BTW Mushrooms do not have DMT. They have the 4 hydroxylated version of DMT...psilocin or the phosphate ester known as psilocybin...and yes a few other trace amines as well. Actually truth be told I wouldn't be surprised if there were trace amounts of DMT as well, but there would certainly only be trace amounts as it would be a side product of the conversion of tryptophan to DMT.
Typically the conversion goes like this:
Tryptophan -> 4-OH-Tryptophan -> 4-HO-Tryptamine -> N,N-4-OH-Tryptamine
But there most likely is a minor route that goes along these lines...
Tryptophan -> Tryptamine -> DMT
But if that route does exist it is certainly not the dominant route and the bulk of your experience is certainly psilocin.
If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.