This is my first cacti extraction. I used 69ron's "Pure white mescaline HCl" tech on 105g powdered San Pedro, except instead of D-Limonene I used Toluene.
I only did 2 pulls so far, salted 3 times each. A third pull is soaking in the cacti mush right now. So far the total yield is 662 mg but I haven't done any acetone or IPA washes yet. I'm not sure if I need to. The first pull is almost pure white and the second is just a little yellow.
These are of the first pull (352mg):
This is the second pull (310mg):
I'm going to wash the second pull but I don't know about the first, it looks pretty clean.
Should I still do a wash on the first pull?
Its the MeICNU
I am only someone's imaginary Smelf posting from hyperspace.