Hello Nexions,
Although its not my mission in life to explain my self to every person I feel its a strong duty to keep my family informed of what they think that they know what I'm ingesting. In Lay-mens terms: Family doesn't no like medication unless prescribed by a doctor AKA Pills. They claim they know all the harmful side effects of what there taking when it comes to pills often talk to each other like...
I hate when i have to take pill X because it'll interact with pill Y and feel "strong" differences if i take them together there or nobody should take anything not prescribed for them because everything has interactions with everything. (And then they continue on) So because we've read up on your plant it can intract with alot of foods and medications because its an MAOI(even tho its a RIMA)!
This is kind of personal info but I posted to give a feel for my delima. My family is very christian and rarely do anything outside the law(in fact go out of there way to abide by it) even tho I don't condone to breaking the law. My point is... Is there any good websites or references I could link my family members so they can just chill out and I can sing to my brew in peace and not have to worry about being hassled about that i might die if i drink.
What do you tell others that are reluctant of the unknown, and how do you assure them that you've done the research and its perfectly safe?
Existence is an illusion of an experience with states of minds and functions of memory to entice you that it is in fact real.