Strain: PC Redboy
Substrate: 50/50 manure/straw
*questions in
..all good things start with some grain..
grain becomes one with shit..
darkness prevails for 2 weeks..
alien things grow..
the sub in this tray is colonized with fluffy, cottony myc:
..but the sub in this tray is colonized with very rhizo myc.
does anyone know why there is such a diff in the two trays?? everything was kept exactly the same- spores, innoc date/method, incubation, colonization, substrate, environment, etc):
here's a side by side comparison. the one on the left is rhizo, and the one on the right cottony...weird..
happy baby pins:
i was using this Towel setup before to increase humidity, but i removed the towels later cuz i thought that it was inhibiting shroom growth by keeping the temps much cooler due to water's high specific heat capacity:
i didnt want the towel to become a vector for contam, so after 2 days of using the towel setup, i sprayed the towels with a lot of concentrated bleach water...bad idea.. As you can see from the pic, the myc on the sub bruised blue, and was damaged somehow..maybe due to bleach vapor?? I'm pretty certain that the bleach water did not make direct contact with the sub; however, the towel full of concentrated bleach water was suspended above the trays, and another towel was underneath the trays..
are these shrooms safe to consume?? i think they are, but i would still like to hear your opinions
the pin growth kinda slowed down *i think* (it could be genetic tho), but still matured within 5-6 days after pinning.
back on wit da jugg like a mofo:
a small number of shrooms showed odd growth... their stems just tore apart (vertically) naturally as they were maturing. the stems also look weird...
any thoughts on this?? They look mutated.. could be a genetic defect, but i think the bleach water did this. but i've never grown Redboys before so this could be normal (?)
are these still edible even if they could be mutated? :
first flush wet yield: ~766g