Small update. The extraction process is near completion.
It did work altough I a had to add 100mg calcium hydroxide more to the tea to make it PH 11.
The boiling and straining process was very time consuming and dirty. Also I thought that seperation would be easier with two liquids. Totally wrong about that one. Separation was a nightmare; it became a huge emulsion. It took me 2 hours to recover the d-limonene by hot water bath, washing machine vibrations and adding salt with all pulls and had to compensate for lost d-limonene about 50 ml in total. The rest of the process went as usual.
I did some more experimenting in PH for the Hcl. The first two saltings I did with a PH of 6. The third and fourth with PH 3. The first two were totally clear. The second two yellowish.
After evaporation I suppose the first two saltings will be white/stan mesc and the remaining saltins will be brown sanchez.
No info about the yield yet, but this will be updated soon as well as some pictures.
So far STB for me is a lot easier and less time consuming. But I had fun trying this out and that's what counts! As a bonus my appartment has that familiar orange smell again.
Edit: one thing to note when handling the CaOH/pickling lime: wear a mask. Didn't see this precaution yet for lime on the forum here. I accidently inhaled some dust particles (and there was almost no dusting). It feels like a short term throath infection. I neutralised this by drinking some coca cola (low PH). The irritating feeling went away after 30-45 mins. Read some about the risk of this and small amounts will cause irritation but are not dangerous. It's a common complaint for constructor workers, fish tank owners and farmers who use the stuff regularly. From now on I'll wear a mask handling this substance.