endlessness wrote:Welcome to the Nexus!
I hear New Zealand has some very tough drug laws

Seems like such a beautiful country, I would love to go there one day!
Regarding weed use and courts, I think you might be a good person to ask about this case, if you have any info regarding the questions I asked there:
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...&m=234277#post234277Now back to psychedelics, you say you enjoy shrooms, but what about dmt/ayahuasca? Do you have any curiosity regarding that?
As for the shrooms, if you dont mind saying, which shroom do you usually take, what is your dosage and what is the normal setting you consume it in?
See you around!
I have heard of similar cases where a forum/SoM was utilized to get convictions. Police use facebook to look for that type of activity. I remember hearing of teenagers posting pics of themselves drinking on their profiles, and the cops using this as evidence to bust them. A grow could be subjective, because the picture could of been taken in a state where it is legal to grow for medicinal purposes. Then again if you say you're from "Florida" and it is growing in your homes attic... Well you might get busted, and that used against you.
I recently written an article in which I interviewed NZ resident Peter Davy. I wont go into it, since this is just an intro thread. If you would like to check it out, here is the link.
http://wagthegonzo.blogs...4/peter-davy-strain.htmlRe shrooms... When I lived in Florida, I had found a prolific cow pasture, which produced a nice strain of purple ringers. (cubensis) Every summer I would harvest a few bags, dry them out and share them with my friends.
I'd eat them fresh (cleaned of course) dried out, as a tea, or ground up and inserted in gel tablets. As far as dosage, well those particular ones I had built up a tolerance and I could eat a lot of them. Recently Florida has really cracked down on shrooms and its worse than getting busted for weed now...

I was functional on shrooms, and would do them whenever I had the notion, I had a fun adventure at a major theme park one year(Busch Gardens Howl o Scream) I gave some to a friend who never done them there. I had a good trip, he is probably scarred for life...
I was overly stimulated and compensated my buzz by constantly cracking jokes on pace with Robin Williams on cocaine. My pupils were so dilated that my eyes looked completely black, and between that and my demeanor at the time I scared people who looked at me.

This is a picture of me from that night. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to wipe that shit eating grin off my face for even 5 minutes.
The only time I kind of had a bad trip was on Angel Trumpets. I spent all night in the bathroom semi catatonic conversing with myself for hours staring at my reflection in the mirror. I got pretty sick, and my vision was blurry for a couple of weeks after that.
Always wanted to try DMT/Ayhuasca, peyote, but never got the chance.
Thanks for the welcome!
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over." Hunter S Thompson