Hey all,
I am coming here right now to ask a few questions about opening the heart, but first I might provide a bit of a background:
As I already kind of stated in my introduction essay, I have had 3 very traumatic experiences while on psychedelics, the first one taking place about 2 years ago, which I feel led directly to the second 2. Anyway, these experiences were a major blow to my ego, and I didn't properly integrate them into a larger context until it was too late, and my thinking had already programmed itself to a frequency of self-hatred and a lack of self trust or self love. By the time I realized what had happened, I was already deeply entrenched in some pretty nasty thinking habits, and slipped into a substantial depression for about 3 straight months. After about 6 months of counseling, daily yoga, meditation, amongst other things, I finally feel like I am able to live, and laugh (a little bit) again. Were it not for an overwhleming amount of work and devotion, I probably would not be alive today. Anyway, as I feel that I am starting to heal, I still feel like my soul is hiding deep within the realms of my heart, not allowing itself to trust again. I know this based on the fact that I spend each day just "ok" rather than living as human beings are meant to live- -fully. I have taken the semester off of university and am traveling around the west coast on a "vision quest" of sorts in an attempt to open up my stubbornly closed heart and allow my soul to flourish once again. I don't regret anything that has happened, as it has brought me to a spiritual lifestyle and taught me what truly matters in life. However, I'm just getting down on myself again with my inability to fully open up. Out here, I am living with a family that is definitely "awake" and practice almost complete sulf-sustainability, and even their loving presences have been unable to put a chink in my heart's armor. I'm contemplating a 5-meo session, or perhaps a solo LSD journey in the mountains or something, but I don't know if that's necessarily the best choice.
Does anyone have any ideas for further opening a hesitant heart? Any suggestions would be more than appreciated! Thanks so much everyone.