I have so far posted 8 things an have not yet mentioned anything about myself, where to start...
Well to start off I would like to say I am so thankful for being directed to this site, I did not know about until 2 weeks ago. I am about to be 21. I have been experimenting with psychedelics since i was 14 years old. I first started with cannabis and I was using that for about a year and then I was regrettably introduced to tripple c's or dxm. Although it is a horrible drug to me now I would not have continued my journey down the path of consciousness without it. From then on Ive experimented with LSD,LSA, Magic Mushrooms, and recently spice.
Although I dont play any instruments right now I love music and would not be able to live without it, I also love art. I really dont know what to call myself relgion wise, I gave up being a catholic for it lacked making sense of the world. I really dont like writing introductions lol, there is so much I want to say its hard for me to sit down and write it all.
I guess all you need to know is that I am a person seeking the truth about life
"True benevolence, or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence
and sympathises with the distress of every creature capable of sensation."