Endlessness and Minus the H,
I'm sorry for the tl;dr, but this is my introduction, and I greatly yearn for discussion as I plan on not going anywhere, so I put much thought into it. Thank you so much for the warm welcome and wishes! Endlessness, you have 5,999 posts at the time I'm responding---should I like bow or something?

To answer your question; In the past (before SWIM learned respect, discipline, etc...), SWIM's tried DXM, Salvia, Ecstasy, and also Mushrooms once. SWIM found DXM and Salvia absolutely unfulfilling and tried twice each to confirm. With that said, nothing further needs to be said regarding those two in SWIMs opinion

SWIM's first attempt on Mushrooms was a small amount that didn't yield more than a +2 on the Shulgin scale, although this is hard to estimate fairly as it was so long ago, and was tainted by alcohol and pharmaceuticals.
As previously mentioned, SWIM's also tried Ecstasy three times. The first time was a legit MDMA experience. The other two aren't noteworthy as SWIM realized the risk and unreliability in allowing some "random other person" to make a pharmaceutical grade drug for SWIM. However, this experience shed a slight initial interest and light into psychedelics that evolved years later with the correct catalysts...
Once SWIM learned to shut the mouth and open the ears (when SWIM grew up a tad):
This last mushroom attempt made SWIM cry in absolute joy and emotional relief. SWIM has never experienced healing and love on such a profound level. SWIM's appreciation for this is infinite as SWIM has been a deeply troubled individual, and will not go into detail regarding this right now. But, this Mushroom experience...this last one....THIS WAS the eye opener. THIS was when SWIM's life changed in what SWIM perceives to be a profoundly positive way. SWIM's eyes were no longer wide shut (ie SWIM thought they were already open...)Shortly after that, SWIM then tried DMT, which, in the interest of keeping this somewhat short (and considering how much we will talk of it in the future), was an intense wave of pure bliss. SWIM was in ecstasy and felt very similar to the Mushroom experience, but noticeably different in terms of thought provocation. SWIM struggled with proper administration of DMT after the first couple experiences, as well as the source. This has been resolved (Changa+DIY), though SWIM has only made Changa but not DIY DMT.
In terms of oral DMT, I assume you're referring to Pharmahuasca if I've researched properly...While perhaps not exactly "Pharmahuasca", SWIM considered the idea of encapsulating a simple Caapi Changa with some ginger root due to SWIMs familiarity and success with it (Changa and Ginger Root, respectively), but SWIM literally began thinking of this two days ago and has done little research into digestion of Changa or best routes to avoid unwanted side-effects, as the ginger is front-line to stomach issues as far as SWIM knows.
SWIM is mostly open to any psychadellic that usually (by SWIM's own evaluations of user reports) yields a fairly comfortable and complication-free experience considering the infancy of SWIM's knowledge and great respect for the unknown.
SWIM enjoys blissful discovery that translates into a warmer smile and firmer, loving embrace in the real world. SWIM also feels strongly that both the community here and DMT are what they need to explore and encourage this growth.