I found this forum some time ago, and I am reading and learning from it since that day. Not only the overwhelming amount of good thoughts found here, but also the friendly and respectful attitude I see members have to each other, gives me the confidence, that this is a good place to contribute.
Well, here is something about myself: I am about in the middle of my live (well, I can't know this of course, it's just the number of my living years is around half of the statistically expected lifetime of human beings

) and I guess, that this second half will be at least as exciting and obscure as the first half has been so far. Especially (but not only) because I decided to start trippin with DMT.
I have rarely been so excited before trying something new. Except maybe when I took my first Lucy trip 20 years ago....
I'd like to discuss some questions I have, before going on my first journey. Or maybe I just wish to be recorded in your community, before leaving into the unknown. You know, it feels kinda weird, not knowing anything for sure about where I will be and how long it will take (:-).
Somehow I feel a great confidence, if not to say genuineness about it, since this is obviously like a nature given gift in a very literal sense. But on the other hand, I have some cautiousness, because I had learned on Lucy, how hard it is for me to surrender and give in to the trip. I was always struggling with this, which led to inner fights during my trips, frantically wanting to hold myself, in order not to loose everything. That's why I decided to have a break with Psychedelics 20 years ago.
Now the break is over. I feel much stronger now, but also able to be more devoted to the unknown (does this make sense?).
In contrast to Lucy, I expect DMT to be able to flush me away, not giving my mind any chance to start struggling.
Enough said. I am looking forward to become a true member of your community and to share things about what is life all about.
Best wishes
