Well folks, it has finally happened. SWIM is at the last phase of extraction using the A/B method. Hoping to get a good saturation in solvent by evaporating some off then freeze precipitation. SWIM inhaled some solvent fumes and that didn't feel too good.. FYI. SWIM decided not to do the sodium carb wash on this batch because the solvent looked really clear. SWIM didn't do a defat but might try both these methods later just for fun.
SWIM currently has a pyrex dish sitting on the window sill with a thin cloth covering it with a rubber band holding it in place. SWIM also has an emulsion in a warm water bath waiting to be pulled. Excited to finish the last pulls. SWIM has been taking his time and having fun with the extraction.
SWIM has shifted focus from all the extraction teks and started researching experience reports. SWIM watched the movie Enter the Void for the first time the night the mimosa first started to boil... fuckin trippy. SWIM has been practicing meditation and trying to get into a spiritual mindset for the first blast off into hyperspace.
If anyone has quick links to their experience reports that they want to share, feel free to post in here. Any other input is welcomed as well.
All statements by Eternal_LVX are fictional and completely insane and should not be taken seriously. Do not attempt any of these procedures without the supervision of your own eternally divine soul. "The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terrence McKenna
My first breakthrough experience!