I agree with gobalswg, It just varies from person to person. The last two people I introduced it to actually asked me what I knew about it, being the connoisseur of drugs that I am, and they were pleasantly surprised that I not only knew a great deal about it but could provide them with an experience.
Just to entertain the idea though, here is a hypothetical conversation I would have with a friend I wanted to share the experience with...
A) Have you ever heard of DMT?
B) No, what is it?
A) Well, you know about or have heard about different psychedelics/hallucinogens right?
B) Yeah, like shrooms or LSD?
A) Pretty much, but this one is a lot different. Sure they all have they're similarities and differences, but THIS! one is pretty much on a whole new level.
B) How so?
A) Well... First of all, its in your body right now. And its found in a lot a various different plants as well, If we go outside I can probably find one right now.
B) So it's everywhere?
A) To say the least, yeah. Some people even theorize that its what makes us dream, and that its released during death, which is what leads to near death experiences being so profound. But that's just a theory which may or may not be true.
The experience itself varies from person to person, but almost everyone agrees that its like being thrown into a whole 'nother dimension. Sometimes its just some crazy visuals, other times you will meet entities.
B) Wait, like ghosts?
A) More like aliens. Since your in another dimension, it's more like your visiting a whole new world. And the "people" their are like, "hey whats up, someone new". The ones I've met have all been friendly, and it's like they want to show you everything they can before you leave.
B) Are there non-friendly entities as well?
A) Yeah, but like all other psychedelics, its all about your mindset. Your emotions control whats going on more than anything else, if you project love and happiness they will disappear. Good always triumphs over evil, and they can't stand it, so they just leave.
B) How many times have you ever tried it?
A) A few times.
B) How was it? What did you experience?
A) I could write a whole book on just one of my experiences, there is just SO much stuff that you see and feel. Like I said earlier, its comparable to being in a whole new world.
**Insert experience(s)**
B) Wow, that's just crazy.
A) No it's beyond crazy, I was left speechless after the first time I tried it. It literally took me a few hours until I was able to describe what had happened to me, and about 2 days until I was able to fully articulate what I experienced.
B) So, it's so profound you don't even realize what just happened to you?
A) No, you realize it. It's just, sorta like a dream. So much happens in a short amount of time, sometimes you just come out of it saying "What the F**k just happened". And you need time to gather your thoughts and process it.
B) So how long are you tripping for?
A) Most of the time it only lasts about 10-20 minutes, there is some minor after affects as its wearing off. But your completely sober again in an hour.
B) That's nuts. Why haven't I heard about this before, is it something new?
A) No, its been known about for a long time, longer than LSD if my memory serves me correctly.
B) So why isn't it as popular as LSD or shrooms?
A) It's sorta like an underground thing. We like to keep it hush-hush so it doesn't get all the negative publicity that the other psychedelics have. That and most people would agree that its just so intense that its not a recreation thing you would go do with your friends at the local park. This is something that you have to prepare for, be ready to handle, and respect to its fullest.
B) So its not like sitting at a party and passing around a joint or a sheet of blotter?
A) Some parties, maybe. But pretty much no.
B) Is it dangerous?
A) I would say running with scissors or swimming in the ocean is more dangerous. Remember it's in your body right now, so its nothing your body doesn't already know about. But when you get enough of it into your system, your mind can go places and see things you wouldn't even imagine in your wildest dreams, well maybe you could dream something crazier, but I doubt it.
B) Is it legal?
A) Like most everything that is fun and can provide you with a broader understanding of the world, No.
B) Broader understanding of the world?
A) Yeah, "The Man" made it illegal because it opens your mind. It frees you from the prison cell that is your current way of thinking. It tears down the barriers of what you've been taught your entire life. It makes you realize that there is more out there, and that what we know is nothing compared to what is.
B) What is?
A) Life man, Life.
B) So DMT shows you life?
A) And possibly whats beyond what we currently understand as life. I think it is what makes life, well life. Some even dare to call it "The god molecule" or "The Spirit Molecule".
B) Do you have any of this "DMT"?
A) Oh yeah, and I would love to share it with you, but only if your feel your ready.
I hope you enjoyed this hypothetical conversation with Myself and Me. Feel free to comment on it, or if you would change/add anything. This took me a while to write, and probably needs the touch of another person well versed in this area to make it more complete.
“Surrender is inner acceptance of what is without any reservations. If you have lived long enough, you will know that things “go wrong” quite often. It is precisely at those times that surrender needs to be practiced if you want to eliminate pain and sorrow from your life.”
Eckhart Tolle