Hello, fellow wanderers.
I know someone named Bob. Bob has a son named Jim. Bob and Jim like adventures. I will be writing about Bob, Jim and other folks they know.
Bob is a very experienced explorer of his psyche and the Universe around it. Bob is an LSD devotee and connoisseur. Bob has tried a number of psychoactives and appreciates their effects, but LSD was Bob's standout favorite until Jim recently introduced him to DMT.
Bob has had over 500 LSD trips spanning nearly 30 years. Bob has taken every quantity, quality and delivery type of this drug. Bob thinks a lot of it. Bob believes it's not for everyone. Bob is grounded and psychologically stable.
Bob has done LSD in every possible situation in his exploration of his mind. He has tripped alone and with others at home, work, in crowded shopping malls at Christmas, in national parks, in other countries, and has had many interesting experiences doing so, including full 500 microgram LSD meltdowns while sitting at his Mom's house, chatting with Mom 1 on 1, with Mom none the wiser. And Mom is no fool. But Bob is experienced and knows how to maintain his composure under tremendous psychic pressure. Bob finds these types of adventures satisfying and challenging.
Bob spent the first half of his life on a spiritual quest. Bob considered, tried and discarded every religion he could find. Bob eventually encountered Zen and devoted himself to it. 23 years ago Bob achieved satori, which put Bob on a first-name basis with the Infinite. This has taught Bob many things. Bob rapidly realized that LSD is a form of communion. LSD offers an intellectual communion that is light on direct experience of the Infinite.
Bob's first DMT trip, however, was a real eye-opener. Literally. Bob discovered that DMT cranks what mystics call "the third eye" to the max. Bob immediately recognized the landscape from his satori. Turning up the third eye's gain can be confusing to the brain, which is always trying to interpret and categorize what it perceives. Bob perceives the Infinite as directly as possible during a full-blown DMT trip. Bob sees intense, perfectly detailed and rendered mathematical landscapes of color and shape, all rotating and evolving in n-dimensional glory. Bob has identified this as direct communion - a vista of the Infinite. When this happens, Bob ceases to exist and bathes in the glory of it. Bob also notices that the Infinite, when viewed via DMT, recognizes Bob's awareness of it and responds. This is a magical thing for Bob.
Looking forward to escaping the nursery,