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It Gave me Some Insights Options
#1 Posted : 4/4/2011 11:41:11 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 06-Apr-2011
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Hey all. Peace and love. The following became apparent to me thanks to our mutual interest (needless to say, please enjoy and discuss if it sparks any interest in you):

Something seems incorrect about individuality, or at least, the current age of individuality within our western society. It seems to be useful in educating others in ways that are corrupt and contrary in understanding the pure existential sense.

Unity will be the key to not just our success, but to us harnessing a substantial amount of "god's" energy; for a collective purpose. From hence on, we can achieve more poignant and astonishing things. We don't realise just how intense we can make our experiences here on this plane of existence.

The day when we all share the same ideas and feelings will be the day the cosmos won't seem so alien to us. It isn't supposed to seem alien to us, it is supposed to be something to marvel at, something to admire, and maybe one day, explore. It is a gift to us, as is what we call "life". But existence, I hear you ask, the very thing that life is spawned from, is it a gift? I cannot offer an answer to this, but if we manifest ourselves as one, and experience with greater appreciation the feelings and emotions and senses that we have been gifted with, then we can provide a much more meaningful answer.

Major religions of the world are on, or at least were, the right path. It is just a shame that the collective ideas and feelings are about submission to a ruler, and that the motivation for staying part of the collective is brought about by fear and doctrines. We have the choice, we have the power within us - I know it sounds like a cliche, but we do! We can come together and for the right reasons: because we care so much for each other, and because we know that we are all derived from the same force, idea, impetus, whatever you want to call it. It is actually irrelevant what you call it, because we are here NOW. If we choose not to live in the moment then we will find it less satisfying and life will obviously become less intense, and I believe this is a hideous waste... We have been given a chance to be exhilirated in everything that we do. We've been given a chance to feel ALIVE. Many people seem to feel alive, and probably do feel alive, but many do not. The people who do not have been disillusioned with this totally incorrect and sorry excuse for a community. I don't blame them for a second, I am often one of them. (I'm talking about Western society here) Words can only go so far as to try and describe just how wrong it is.

We need to abolish capitalism; we need to stop fighting for resources and for sustenance (and full stop). We need to share what the Earth is offering us. If we do these things we can start to allow our "god" and purpose to develop and the demons that may lurk in this chaotic realm of opportunity can leave us alone and go and corrupt another form of life until in time they eventually develop the strength of their "god".

How we can do these things is the biggest, most challenging thing we have facing us. After we have succeeded however, it is plain sailing towards a future of bliss, filled with exploration of the cosmos, love and positive opportunities not yet even conceivable.

Expansion of the consciousness is - let me stress - VITAL.

What's wrong with psychedellic compounds and insightful teachers being involved in the education of a young adult? We could very realistically bring such schools of consciousness in to what we call University. This would start the ball rolling, and hundreds of thousands of people would mature in to adults of an accepting and similar nature extremely quickly. I'm not talking about making everyone indential, that is certainly not what I am saying, but getting peoples' raw feelings and attitudes in the same place.

We are all just one person, walking around, be it in beautiful variations. These variations are unfortunately misunderstood far too often, i.e. Nationalism, racism, ageism, and even gender. I mean, how devisive and wrong are these ways of thinking about us?

There are as I mentioned earlier, some questions which we can not have answered - existence, and the cause of it, and the future of it, and what lies outside of it... We need to accept that we may never (even generations upon generations upon generations further in time) have answers to these questions. However, that is not an excuse to believe in nothing, or to allow negative and "evil" impulses to run rife throughout your mind. Strength, will come to us all in time.

Finally: the moment depth of knowledge stops being necessary to satisfy someone's soul, is the moment that the imagination and a person's purist emotions (spirit) can start to manifest fully, allowing the person to be lead to their existential nirvana. Science is clever and useful in giving a measurable scale to the things around us - but it brings us no closer to detecting the true impetus and sense at the very core of existence. Ultimately there are no words that can answer this great wonder.

Love ~ Peace ~ Freedom

P.S. Sorry if it is a little porrly punctuated, I wrote as a stream of consciousness.

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DMT Psychonaut
#2 Posted : 4/5/2011 5:16:03 AM

Witness to Humanity

Posts: 229
Joined: 13-Mar-2011
Last visit: 23-Apr-2020
Location: Consciousness
I like it Very happy and lately I have often been thinking about all of the subjucts you presented here. Heavy on my mind is the progression of humanity. It seems like most of the world is sleep walking, like little sheep. Thank you for adding this it's much appreciated. Continue posting at the Nexus!Razz

All these thoughts,
words arranged in this message,
come from the Tao
and return to the Tao.
Yet they do not touch it.
Each of us will perceive the message,
Yet to each our own interpretation.

I'll see you when the river meets us
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