Hello all,
I have been viewing some threads on different species of beings that people have repeatedly seen in hyperspace, and since I'm not a full member yet, I wanted to start a thread on it here in the nursery! Basically, I would like people to list and talk about certain species that have consistently shown up in their journeys. I'm extremely curious to see how many types are repeated!
The following is a list of species I can remember seeing consistenly in hyperspace:
- Octopus/Jellyfish looking creature covered in eyes (read about this in other forums as well)
- Neon blue entrance fairies which hover around the portal to hyperspace as it forms (I made a specific thread about these guys)
- Humanoids that can either appear to be normal in appearance, or more "elf-like" in appearance. I see them all over hyperspace.
- Humingbird like creatures that show up when I need help lighting the bowl for the third hit because the simple 90 degree angled pipe becomes a damn labyrinth after two hits!!
- "The greys", or whatever you want to call them. Basically, what aliens typically look like in drawings on tv abduction specials
- Giant insect-like creatures (sounds scary, but actually beautiful)
I have seen many other crazy beings, but these are the ones that I remember showing up pretty frequently. Can't wait for your replies!
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only